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The Big Iron Emulation Webpage
Last Updated: 11JUN06
Latest News!
- (26MAY2006) SIMH includes IBM 7090/7094 emulation as of V3.6-0.
- (22JAN2006) Start of webpage.
This webpage is an extension of my DEC Emulation Website, it is intended as a jumping off point for obtaining more information about emulating a given platform.
- Control Data Corporation (CDC)
- Data General
- Nova and Eclipse emulation in SIMH
- Strobe Data products for Nova and Eclipse systems
- Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC)
- General Electric
- GRI-909 emulation in SIMH
- Hewlett-Packard
- Honeywell
- H316 emulation in SIMH
- There was a DPS-6 emulator which ran on HP 9000's running HP-UX
- International Business Machines (IBM)
- Interdata (Perkin Elmer)
- 16b and 32b systems emulation in SIMH
- Prime
- Apparently an emulator is being worked on that is capable of running "PRIMOS
Rev. 21 and most of the utilities" I would be interested in hearing any details on this.
- Royal-Mcbee
- LGP-21 and LGP-30 emulation in SIMH
- Scientific Data Systems
- SDS 940 emulation in SIMH
- Texas Instruments
Also worth looking at is the MESS Multiple Emulator Super System which supports numerous video game systems, microcomputers, minicomputers and computers. It even includes TX-0 emulation.