NOTE: This list was created on Sun Oct 26 12:14:55 EST 1997 Some files may have been added or deleted since that date. See file pub/cpm/filedocs/ for additional information. NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII Directory pub/cpm/bdsc-3/ Filename Type Length Date Description ============================================== alph.cq B 1536 850209 Alphabetize a file by lines append1.cq B 1536 850209 Append a file to another file cat.cq B 896 850209 Concatenate two or more files cdir.cq B 5248 850209 Change user numbers using names cio.cq B 2432 850209 Raw console I/O for BDS-C cp.cq B 2816 850209 Copy files between disks/user areas echo.cq B 1280 850209 Display computed command line fp.cq B 3840 850209 Find a pattern in a file fs.cq B 1408 850209 Find a string in a file lcheck.cq B 2688 850209 Check nesting of braces in a BDS-C program long1.cq B 2048 850209 32-bit long signed integer package long1.cqm B 5504 850209 32-bit long signed integer package long1.crl A 2560 850209 32-bit long signed integer package long1.dqc B 3200 850209 32-bit long signed integer package pat.cq B 7424 850209 Pattern search utility pat.h A 1563 830909 Pattern search utility qsort.tip A 1247 830909 Tips on how to use BDS-C qsort function rm.cq B 640 850209 Remove listed files rmf.cq B 1024 850209 Remove file names w/multiple extensions rmx.cq B 896 850209 Remove multiple files w/given extension sample.cqm B 768 850209 Sample function in CSM format sd.cq B 640 850209 Front end for sid sort3.cq B 7040 850209 Sort/Merge from Software Tools stdlib.dqc B 10752 850209 BDS-C Standard Library summary stripc.cq B 1536 850209 Strip comments from ASM source symp.cq B 2432 850209 Alphabetize symbols from ASM86 file usercode.cq B 2176 850209 Extend CP/M filenames to include user v143.dqc B 5888 850209 BDS-C User's Guide Addenda v144.dqc B 4096 850209 BDS-C User's Guide Addenda v145.dqc B 13568 850209 BDS-C User's Guide Addenda v146.dqc B 7552 850209 BDS-C User's Guide Addenda v150-2.dqc B 8576 850209 BDS-C New Features wc.cq B 1664 850209 Count characters