NOTE: This list was created on Sun Oct 26 12:14:56 EST 1997 Some files may have been added or deleted since that date. See file pub/cpm/filedocs/ for additional information. NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII Directory pub/cpm/c128/ Filename Type Length Date Description ============================================== 64convrt A 11136 860203 No description available 801prt11.lbr B 27136 860908 Lists files on MPS801/803/1525 prntr asciisys.lbr B 5760 861225 Converts C128 Dec. 6 system to ASCII b5c8-2.iqs B 4992 860813 BYE5 insert -- Commodore C128 b5c8-2e.iqs B 5248 861115 BYE5 insert for Commodore 128 bios-r62.for A 666 940329 C128 BIOS-R6 Release 2 brief description bios-r62.lbr B 148224 940329 C128 BIOS-R6 Release 2 executable & source bios4mod.lbr B 11136 871018 Add serial printer on BIOS4 for C128 biosr4.ark B 100361 871003 Commodore C128 CP/M enhanced BIOS bye-on.1z8 B 2944 870712 Setting up an RCP/M-BBS on a C-128 bye128.lbr B 46976 861204 Files for running BYE on the C-128 bye1670e.lbr B 23168 861216 Run BYE on C128 and 1670 modem B 24576 861107 MEX 114 set up for the C-128 c128-new.doc A 11961 860203 Fix for C128 BIOS modem support c128-new.irv A 2466 860203 Updating C128 BIOS to support modem c128-xgr.for A 310 940329 C128 Z3 Termcap w / character graphics desc. c128-xgr.lbr B 4096 940329 C128 Z3 Termcap binary & source code c128beta.rzp B 14080 870131 C128 CP/M+ Beta-Tester's report c128bye.ark B 12288 870629 C-128 BYE for PBBS on A: drive c128cmpt.dzc B 5888 870920 Disk/Data transfer programs for C128 c128cnf3.lbr B 10880 860810 Commodore C128 CP/M configuration program c128sys.ark B 4096 870630 C-128 system for use with BBS c128tvx2.ark B 147497 860813 Full screen text editor for C-128 B 1024 860812 Commodore C128 disk write speedup #2 c8filcpy.lbr B 11392 860813 Copies files using virtual drive E: clock128.lbr B 12416 880106 Use RightTime clock to set C128 time commodor.tzt B 1152 880130 Commodore/Kaypro compatibility cp4-c128.lbr B 15872 860701 KERMIT 4.05 for the Commodore C-128 cpmprmr1.tqt B 4608 860812 CP/M+ Primer -- The DIR command cpmprmr2.tqt B 7552 860907 CP/M+ Primer -- Part 2 cpmprmr3.tqt B 9472 861008 CP/M Plus primer -- Part 3 B 2304 870217 Format IBM format2.doc A 277 870707 Format IBM format81.lbr B 8704 870918 Format the 1581 on C128 under CP/M giunti.tqt B 12032 861107 Conference transcript of 10/29/86 B 19427 961002 C128 Hackers Toolkit i2c8-2.azm B 8192 870606 IMP Overlay - Commodore C128 B 18688 870621 IMP245 configured for Commodore C128 B 50909 961002 Jugg'ler-128 kaypro.rsx A 640 860203 KAYPRO video routines for C-128 key128-2.ark B 10368 870621 Save key configurations on C-128 m7-c1660.aqm B 10624 860908 MDM7 overlay--C128 m7-c1670.aqm B 8832 860908 MDM7 overlay for C128 and 1670 modem mex.hlp A 52992 860203 Help file for use with MEX114 mexhelp.dzc B 4352 870712 A short tutorial on MEX.COM mload25.czm B 2560 880312 Easy user overlay patching for MEX mxm-c128.aqm B 12288 860203 MEX overlay - Commodore C-128 mxo-c128.aqm B 10240 860203 MEX overlay - Commodore C-128 new2cpm.doc A 6380 871013 GEnie Help File for C-128 CP/Mers B 27136 860203 CP/M+ update to support RS232 USER port pbbs8com.ark B 66816 870630 C-128 PBBS COM files for A0: & A14: pip-help.tzt B 2560 870729 Help file for PIP rampak.ark B 135552 870712 C128 ramdisk utils with PROFILE.SUB rampak.dzc B 4608 870712 C128 ramdisk utils with PROFILE.SUB rampakd.ark B 77568 870712 Documents for RAMPAK Utilities rdcbm21.lbr B 18816 870927 C-128 DOS to CP/M file copier rdms233c.lbr B 47104 861101 Read MSDOS disks on Commodore C128 rdskinfo.doc A 2042 871013 How to set C128 ramdisk drive letter B 19288 961002 Scram'bler 128 sgtool10.lbr B 26880 940512 Steve Goldsmith's C=128 tools for HI-Tech 'C' sgtool11.lbr B 36608 940512 Steve Goldsmith's C=128 tools for HI-Tech 'C' sgtool12.lbr B 56576 940512 Steve Goldsmith's C=128 tools for HI-Tech 'C' sgtool13.lbr B 69120 940512 Steve Goldsmith's C=128 tools for HI-Tech 'C' sigmv800.ark B 185216 870718 SIG/M C128 CP/M sampler disk #1 sigmv801.ark B 198272 870718 SIG/M C128 CP/M sampler disk #2 spzap128.ark B 55185 871210 C-128 full-screen disk editor tbohires.pzs B 2688 871030 80 column graphics for C128 CP/M unidrive.lbr B 20480 861117 Use more CP/M disk formats on C-128 vde-c128.ark B 91903 890204 VDE266 for the Commodore C=128 vdo-c128.lbr B 18816 870910 VDO memory based editor for C-128 whycpm.doc A 7820 871013 Article on C128 CP/M+ features wordstar.iqf B 6400 860907 Customizing WordStar on the C-128 ws-c128.azm B 3456 871018 Set C128 video attr/delays for WS4.0 zccp.for A 95 940329 ZCCP brief description zccpc128.ark B 27879 940329 Files to bring up ZCCP on a C128 zccpc128.for A 101 940329 Brief description of C128 ZCCP files zccpdoc.doc A 13063 940329 ZCCP documentation