NOTE: This list was created on Sun Oct 26 12:14:57 EST 1997 Some files may have been added or deleted since that date. See file pub/cpm/filedocs/ for additional information. NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII Directory pub/cpm/epson/ Filename Type Length Date Description ============================================== barcode.lbr B 23808 851207 Print 3 of 9 barcode on Epson LX80 ep-wspat.prn A 3886 840401 Patch WordStar to use the Epson printer epsetup.lbr B 13696 870206 Epson MX/RX/FX80 printer setup epslink.azm B 16640 871110 CP/M file transfer with Epson Geneva epsondsk.lbr B 23936 860428 Epson Support Disks catalog epsonjan.lzt B 14208 870131 January Epson newsletter epsonspe.txt A 5815 830909 Epson MX series printer specifications facelift.bqs B 3840 851119 Select typeface-Epson RX/FX/MX ptrs. A 12083 940902 Unix-based file transfer w/ Epson Geneva/PX-8 B 8192 850209 Demo of fancy fonts with Epson MX printers fncfnt.dm1 A 37760 850209 Demo of fancy fonts with Epson MX printers fncfnt.doc A 951 830909 Demo of fancy fonts with Epson MX printers fx80-q.lbr B 15488 880410 Utilities for Epson Fx80 printer fx80ptpr.lbr B 22528 880102 Epson FX-80 print option setter fxchar.lbr B 40704 880102 Epson FX printer char. set generator fxparms.bzs B 1792 880102 Epson FX-80 type styles illustration fxprint.ark B 6912 870816 Epson FX-80 printer setup pgm. gcsfx.lbr B 4480 870919 Epson FX-85 setup/print/typewriter grafmx80.lbr B 24576 880102 Epson MX80/100 bit-image graphics higkfont.lbr B 10624 870906 Greek character set for Epson Fx B 2176 850209 Set/reset major Epson MX-80 functions mxset12.mac A 3883 840116 Set/reset major Epson MX-80 functions printr.c A 4281 830909 BDS-C program to manipulate Epson MX-80 B 5504 850209 BDS-C program to manipulate Epson MX-80 promform.lbr B 8832 880320 Prepare ROMS for Epson Geneva PX-8 px8info.lbr B 20992 870918 Technical info for PX-8 laptop rtx141.lbr B 28416 880305 Easier use of Epson PX-8 facilities vprint.lbr B 8576 871213 Vertical Printing Program wsepem.txt A 3618 840308 Epson MX-80 emphasize ctl from WS zcmd-qx.lbr B 4480 870719 Install ZCMD on the Epson QX-10