NOTE: This list was created on Sun Oct 26 12:14:59 EST 1997 Some files may have been added or deleted since that date. See file pub/cpm/filedocs/ for additional information. NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII Directory pub/cpm/maclib/ Filename Type Length Date Description ============================================== debug.mac A 2060 830909 Debug macro library i8085.doc A 493 840724 Additional Intel 8085 ASM instructions w/MAC i8085.lib A 1163 841125 Additional Intel 8085 ASM instructions w/MAC macro.lqb B 10752 850209 New macro library macros.tqp B 4736 850209 Macro tip macroz.mqc B 11008 850209 Modified MACRO.LIB with Z80 instr opcode.lqb B 1536 850209 Extended opcode libraryExtended opcode library seqio.lqb B 6656 850209 Sequential file I/O library seqio22.lqb B 12416 850209 Sequential file I/O library xmac.asm A 714 830909 Disable 8080 opcodes in MAC for x-assembly z80-v3.lqb B 8320 850209 Z80 instruction set z80ext.lqb B 1792 850209 Undocumented Z80 instructions