NOTE: This list was created on Sun Oct 26 12:15:00 EST 1997 Some files may have been added or deleted since that date. See file pub/cpm/filedocs/ for additional information. NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII Directory pub/cpm/qterm/ Filename Type Length Date Description ============================================== qt-zba.zy B 3712 910530 QTERM overlay for Telcon Zorba computer qt43efx2.ark B 4480 910529 Patches for QTERM 4.3E and Ymodem qt43src.lbr B 75136 910529 Source code to QTERM 4.3 qt6-sb18.zz0 B 4864 890424 Qterm overlay for the SB-180 qterm43e.lbr B 54272 910529 Terminal prog. X/Ymodem Kermit VT100 qto-hp1c.azm B 4992 890504 QTERM overlay for HP150 qto-xer2.zz0 B 5504 890504 QTERM Overlay -- Xerox 820-II qto-zb10.azm B 4096 890418 Telcon Zorba overlay for QTERM qto-zb12.aym B 3456 900318 Telcon Zorba overlay for QTERM qtp-xer2.azm B 5504 890418 Xerox820-II & 16/8 overlay for QTERM qtpat42.lbr B 104192 910529 Patches for QTERM 4.2