NOTE: This list was created on Sun Oct 26 12:15:00 EST 1997 Some files may have been added or deleted since that date. See file pub/cpm/filedocs/ for additional information. NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII Directory pub/cpm/squsq/ Filename Type Length Date Description ============================================== bdscio.h A 6065 830909 BDS-C standard I/O header file changes.doc A 1909 830909 Revision history compress.ark B 36864 890314 12-bit LZW 'compress' for CP/M compress.tqt B 7296 860617 Non-tech article on data compression cp-pksq.cpr A 513 870628 Squash/crunch comparison crlzh11.lbr B 115584 891212 CRUNCH utilities crlzh20.lbr B 143616 910812 CRUNCH utilities crn24pat.azm B 1408 880611 Patch to CRUNCH 2.4 for AZM files crnch24s.lbr B 97536 880218 Source for Cruncher/Uncruncher crunch.abs A 3909 861205 Crunch technical abstract crunch.izf B 5504 880229 Specs for CRUNCHed header record crunch20.dat A 1925 860913 Info on performance of CRUNCH crunch24.lbr B 30080 870916 LZW data compression utilities dio.h A 420 830909 Directed I/O package for BDS-C dio2.c A 6471 830909 Directed I/O package for BDS-C v1.4x fcrlzh11.lbr B 58112 891212 LZH encoding for 8080/8085 users fcrlzh20.lbr B 58880 910812 LZH encoding for 8080/8085 users fcrnch11.lbr B 94080 861225 CRUNCHer for Z80 fls.c A 4199 830909 Build parameter lists B 8320 850209 Build parameter lists freeze.lbr B 24704 890610 standard of LZHUF technique for CPM history.dqc B 5248 850209 History of a File Compression Utility io.c A 599 830909 BDS-C I/O lzw.lbr B 50816 860424 Compression/decompression Utilities obscure.bzg B 2304 880125 Problem with LT/VLU with attribute readme.doc A 944 830909 Documentation of files in this dir restrict.c A 1113 830909 Routine to determine if user area is allowed rosuncr.lbr B 56192 880127 Type crunched files with ROS 3.4 sq-17.c A 7404 831112 SQueeze a file B 16128 850209 SQueeze a file sq-17.h A 1814 831112 SQueeze a file sq-17.sub A 191 831112 SQueeze a file sq111.lbr B 12160 880127 Machine language SQueezer -- fast sq17.bug A 693 850520 Bug and correction for sq-17 sqcom.h A 397 830909 Common definitions for SQueeze sqdebug.c A 767 830909 Debugging aids for SQ and related modules squeeze.tqt B 7424 850824 Data Compression Techniques squeezer.dqc B 14208 850209 How to use and recompile sq/usq/fls squprt33.ark B 25303 861108 Portable SQueeze/UnSQueeze in C squsq15.doc A 1427 830909 Documentation on SQ/USQ squsqbug.msg A 4793 830909 Information on damaging versions of SQ/USQ tlzh11.lbr B 60032 891212 Type utility for LZH files tlzh20.lbr B 61056 910812 Type utility for LZH files tr1.c A 1259 830909 Character translation tr2.c A 12580 830909 Translate bytes to variable length strings typeqz17.lbr B 45824 870727 TYPE utility with wildcard filenames uncr8080.lbr B 5120 861009 UNCRunch for the 8080/8085 unsq-cr.lbr B 5504 880125 REL files for Uncruncher/Unsqueezer unsq15.lbr B 17152 850209 Uncruncher/Unsqueezer usq-20.c A 8692 840708 Unsqueeze a file B 12800 850209 Unsqueeze a file usq-20.h A 388 840708 Unsqueeze a file usq-20.sub A 88 840708 Unsqueeze a file B 1920 861011 Unsqueezer for all CP/M systems usq120.dqc B 1920 850912 Documentation for Dave Rand's USQ120 usqfst20.lbr B 27520 860819 Fast unsqueezer for Z80 computers utr.c A 1673 830909 BDS-C char. decoding ztype11.lbr B 25344 861111 Types with underlining and boldface