28-May-86 18:26:18-CDT,3714;000000000001 Return-Path: Received: from SU-SCORE.ARPA by A20.CC.UTEXAS.EDU with TCP; Wed 28 May 86 18:26:11-CDT Return-Path: Received: from CSNET-RELAY.ARPA by SU-SCORE.ARPA with TCP; Wed 28 May 86 07:34:01-PDT Received: from waterloo by csnet-relay.csnet id a016899; 28 May 86 10:31 EDT Received: by watmath; Wed, 28 May 86 09:54:24 edt Date: Wed, 28 May 86 09:54:24 edt From: Eric Gisin To: info-postscript@SU-SCORE.ARPA Subject: program to print font catalog ReSent-Date: Wed 28 May 86 10:59:44-PDT ReSent-From: John Reuling ReSent-To: INFO-POSTSCRIPT: ; ReSent-Message-ID: <12210339791.44.REULING@SU-SCORE.ARPA> This program prints all the encoded characters of a PostScript font on a page (24 point characters). The character code, width and name are also included. See the end of the program to see how fonts are selected, and uncomment one of the lines or add your own. To make this work with the Hershey fonts created by the hersel program, include the following fix to makefont.ps and remake the fonts. (Hershey fonts take several minutes each). *** makefont.ps.old Thu May 8 09:06:33 1986 --- makefont.ps Thu May 8 10:41:21 1986 *************** *** 87,89 ! /Encoding StandardEncoding def /BuildChar {HersheyBuildDict begin BuildHersheyChar end} def --- 87,91 ----- ! /Encoding [ ! StandardEncoding {dup CharData exch known not {pop /.notdef} if} forall ! ] def /BuildChar {HersheyBuildDict begin BuildHersheyChar end} def Eric Gisin, egisin@waterloo.csnet, egisin@watmath.uucp ================================