This is the RSX/IAS SIG Symposium tape from the 1980 FALL DECUS meeting in San Diego, CA. The tape contains material submitted by the user community to the SIG at the FALL DECUS meeting. The programs on this tape are from user submissions. The DECUS staff,the RSX/IAS SIG staff, and DEC are all in relative ignorance of the contents of the tapes. No warranty of any kind is implied in the distribution of these tapes. The programs may or may not be well documented, they may or may not work, they may even crash your system. If you have a problem contact the author of the program. Do not contact DECUS,DEC, or the RSX/IAS SIG. The tape contains approximately 35,000 blocks of software. Since 35,000 blocks would require three 2400 ft. reels of tape in FLX format at 800 BPI, we elected to distribute the tape in BRU format. The distribution fits on one 2400 ft. tape in BRU format at 800 BPI. If you are an IAS site and cannot read the tape in BRU format, please contact George Hamma at the following address: George Hamma Synergistic Technology, Inc. 20065 Stevens Creek Blvd. suite 106 Cupertino, CA. 95014 (408) 253-5800 If you are a VAX site and cannot read the tape in BRU format (i.e. you have no friends with 11M who could put it in Backup and Restore format) please contact Philip Cannon. The UIC [300,1] contains several files of interest. The file RSXFALL80.DIR contains a directory of the contents of the tape (BRU does not produce nice directories). The file RSXF80.UIC contains a brief abstract on the contents of the tape. The file ALLREADME.1ST contains a concatenated list of all of the README files on the tape. A copy of this letter appears in the file BEGIN.TXT. The file UICSETUP.CMD contains the UFD commands to create all the needed UIC's on device XX:, edit it to match your needs before using BRU to recover the tape contents. The UIC [300,2] contains the program that is used to make a copy of the tape. The program name is "TPC". This is a new version of TPC which can copy a BRU tape. To use TPC one needs a disk with at least 35,000 blocks of free space. To put a copy of the tape on your disk one enters the following command: RUN BIGTPC TPC> DN:80FSD.BRU=MT: To make a copy of the tape for someone one enters the following command line: RUN BIGTPC TPC> MT:=DN:80FSD.BRU For you old timers, TPC does NOT require the 35,000 blocks to be contiguous. This year we are distributing the tape in a different manner. A tree structure has been created to distribute the tape. The idea is very simple. Each LUG makes a few copies of the tapes and sends them on to other LUGS who in turn make a few copies of the tape and send them on to other LUGS, and so on. I hope this will result in users getting a copy of the tape relatively soon (lets try for January 1981). It also should eliminate the need for anyone to make a huge number of copies. There has been no great effort to coordinate the tree structure. Everyone will receive a copy of the tree. They should find their place and contact their "parent" to arrange for the transfer of their copy. I have choosen (selected at random) the nodes on the tree. In the interest of saving time I have not contacted the people. I am relying on their enthusasium for the product to motivate them in participating in the tree scheme. Lets get copies of the tape out QUICKLY. If anyone cannot participate in the scheme please notifiy Philip Cannon at ONCE. A copy of the tree will be mailed to LUG CHAIRMAN under separate cover. The tree structure is NOT on the tape. The idea of the "tree" scheme is to decentralize the effort of getting out copies of the tape. The master distribution will be at 800 BPI in BRU. If you need 1600 BPI, please try to contact someone in the tree who can provide it. If in desparation you cannot find anyone, call Philip Cannon. I can provide a limited number of 1600 BPI copies. This year I was unable to attend the DECUS meeting due to the birth of my son (Benjamin Philip Cannon). George Hamma took over the job of building and editing the SIG tape for the San Diego meeting. This masterpiece of 35,000 blocks is the product of many hours of work by George and his good friend Wayne Graves. Many thanks from me to them for their fine effort. If you have comments or complaints please feel free to write to me and share your thoughts. respectively submitted, Philip H. Cannon Science Applications, Inc. 1211 West 22 nd Street suite 901 Oakbrook, Il. 60521 (312) 655-5960 RSX/IAS SIG LIBRARIAN Well guys first the good news, Heres a TPC that will do BRU tapes, so those people that don't have BRU can copy the tape with it for those of us that have BRU now the bad, When copying from tape to disk TPC has an abnormal termination now the really bad news, On my system at least,(RSX11M,11/35,TU-45,AED-RP04) when transfering from disk to tape, with TPC, TPC never terminates at all. You just wait for the tape to stop and abort TPC manually all in all better then nothing, good luck Wayne R. graves Siemens Gammasonics 2270 Martin Ave. Santa Clara, Ca. 95050 p.s. I didn't write TPC, I'm just a poor user like you The file used to build SRD is SRDBLD.CMD. It builds an overlaid SRD using SRDBLD.ODL. There are several options in the task build you might want to check. During the task build several messages declaring multiple definitions will appear. Ignore these. Two documents describing two different implementations can be found here. They are CLI.DOC and QUOTA.DOC. CLI.DOC descibes a new command line intepreter for RSX11M 3.2 systems, and QUOTA.DOC describes a disk quota system also for RSX11M 3.2. This is the SCLUG (Southern California Users' Group) (RSX) submission for the San Diego 1980 DECUS meeting. UIC [301,2] contains information about all programs our user group has submitted. LIB.DIR is a brief 2-line description of each program, and LIB.DOC is the complete description of the programs. The following is a brief descriptions of the programs submitted for this meeting: DIRECTORY DECUS SIG TAPE DESCRIPTION --------- -------------- ------------------------------------------------ [301,031] SAN DIEGO 80 OPA - ONLINE POOL ANALYZER - UPD FROM SPRING 80 [301,033] SAN DIEGO 80 DVCDAT - DEVICE DATABASE LISTER Note that LIB.DIR and LIB.DOC now list which tape the program was last submitted on. [301,031] SAN DIEGO 80 OPA - ONLINE POOL ANALYZER - UPD FROM SPRING 80 Base level: Version JN3.32 Date: 02-NOV-80 Patch level: None Date: Submitted by: Jim Neeland Hughes Research Labs 3011 Malibu Canyon Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 phone: (213) 456-6411 Description: Displays a visual map of the data structures in pool and their location, thus allowing system programmers/managers to determine why their pool is so fragmented, and hopefully then rectify the situation. This is a snapshot of a running system, not a crash dump tool. For a version supporting crash dumps, see CPA (Crash Pool Analyzer) in [301,33] (Spring 80). System reqts: Approx. 4K for the task when invoked, plus a fraction of a second on the system stack to collect all the data. Documentation: OPA.DOC describes the output format and some uses, and the source is well commented (I hope). Status: A possibly dangerous tool in the hands of fiddlers. This program is on the system stack for most of its code, and in some circumstances that time may have deleterious effects on your system. It has been made rather more rugged than the 3.1 version, in that it will catch its own odd address or memory protect violations and display the PC of the last such occurrance, and, thanks to Dan Steinberg, will continue with the analysis. This does not GUARANTEE that it could not corrupt the EXEC somehow, but is much less likely to. Desired enhancements: Code to allow command-line specification of a target output file or device. Code to find remaining data structures (described in OPA.DOC). A built-in /HElp switch to remind user of the symbols used for the different data structures. Note that any significant additions, such as FCS/CSI support will make the task significantly larger. At the moment it is felt that the online task should make as few demands on the system as possible, so that it can be used when memory/pool is in short supply. Support: The author welcomes comments & suggestions, but does not want complaints about possible system crashes, although will be interested in fixes to eliminate same. [301,031] SAN DIEGO 80 DEVICE DATABASE LISTER Base level: Version JN3.3 Date: 02-NOV-80 Patch level: None Date: Submitted by: Jim Neeland Hughes Research Labs 3011 Malibu Canyon Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 phone: (213) 456-6411 Description: Displays device (driver) database (i.e. DCB, UCB, SCB) addresses, contents, and offset labels. Example: DCB: 077346: 77356 ;U.DCB 077350: 0, 1 ;U.UNIT ...etc... System reqts: Approx. 1K for the task when invoked, plus a fraction of a second on the system stack to collect all the data. Documentation: OPA.DOC describes the output format and some uses, and the source is well commented (I hope). Status: More or less finished product. The only thing really missing is listing the UCB extensions, which have not been done since they cannot be done really accurately without assuming how much of the UCB preceeds the U.DCB entry point, or assuming that the UCB immediately follows the DCB, which is not required, although generally true. Desired enhancements: See above. Support: The author welcomes comments & suggestions, but does not guarantee to fix anything. The programs here are incomplete, however: This directory contains assorted stuff written in C. We use both the Conroy and Whitesmiths Compilers. Whites has a full blown preprocessor and supports FCS. Conroy's is better suited to ported unix stuff. Sometimes we even mix 'em. Con is a uic manipulator. It replaces set /uic= It looks in a system directory (currently 222,50) for a file which contains entrys vs uics. Or it checks [group,1] for a file which contains group entries vs uics (each of our users gets an entire group of directorys). Y is an error message printer. Only the data file is present however. This is the contribution of the Jpl Computer Graphics Lab. Each directory contains a readme.txt file. A summary of the contributions is listed below. (The directorys are before tape copy at decus) 222 1 This file 222 7 A Macro-11 pre-processor used to assemble some of the other contributions. A 3.2 terminal characteristics display program for the full duplex driver. Its non priveledged so the task image should run. If it can get a command line, then the terminal number can be specified else ti: is used. Usage: >tty n ;e.g. tty 10 for tt10: 222 53 Combination of Conroy's Grep and Directory utilities. (i.e. uses Grep's pattern matcher as a directory list argument). 222 65 Modified version of the Original Conroy Unix editor. Includes `Screen' mode for vt100 and teleray. Also, big editor fixes and many additional enhancements. This text file was formatted interactively using this editor without any external help. 222 102 A file transfer utility with Queue-driven monitor. For 11m 3.2 (needs typeahead and spawning). Stripped down version (i.e. no monitor) allows file transfer if user is logged onto 2 systems. 222 344 lpkill program - allows any user to abort the print spooler. Definitely not for unfriendly systems. Also allows one to delete separate entries in the queue. (When the spooler is aborted, the queue is hidden away and later restored and the next print job is started). This program was partially taken from the spq program. - Note some distributions of spq had a lun assignment error i.e. the ti: lun and the file lun were both the same. 222 346 A modified version of Stamerjohn's Assign Virtual Disk (AVD). Allows one to assign a virtual disk to anywhere on the disk. Useful on 300 megabyte disks that emulate big rp06's. Also can have the system disk overlaped with a virtual disk which is READ-ONLY. (Good for those who have been victims of BRU.) If you have any questions, you may reach me at: Eric Levy Jet Propulsion Lab 4800 Oak Grove Dr. Pasadena, Calif. 91103 Bldg. 264/125 (213) 354-2969 This directory contains three files which when run through the Bed program will generate three patched source modules from rsx11m 3.2. The patches are as follows: 1. mcrdis - remove restriction of multiple tasks running on the same terminal. It causes pipt3, pipu3 pipv3,... to be generated if ...pip is active. A kludge patch which converts 1 and 2 letter commands into the form: $$x or $xx. E.g. install the task l.tsk/task=...$$l then the command >l data will work the same as >$$l data. Aborting must specify the $$l however (unless you install the kill-all command elsewhere on this tape) Make syntax error try the catch-all. Allows for commands such as `abc/def' for all you Unix freaks writing shells. (Please let me know if you succeed). 2. inslb - multiple run restriction removed -> tt3,ut3,vt3 ... NOTE ---- WELL this patch includes the patch supplied by KMS FUSION's /prm enhancement. It may work without the rest of the patches, but I doubt it. Anyway, the /prm is extremely useful, so much so that I recomend that it be included before this patch is applied. 3. tktn - This provides an abort code which will suppress printing the abort message. Used with the `killall' program supplied in kill.mac Do not edit the files in any way before executing the below procedure. Since the corection files contain some binary stuff, avoid listing on the terminal. (The bed program prompts with a `*'). To generate the source modules do the following: Type: mcr>bed FILE.cor mcr>run bed *6y *e FILE.cor *7y Or: *6y *1,7d *7y *control-z *1,7d *control-z Note: A task image of the BED program is supplied as well. It should run with no difficulty. However, the objects and sources to rebuild it are also supplied elsewhere on the tape. (If you are not running 11m 3.2 don't even bother with any of these patches). Note that this task is build WITHOUT fcsres. If you wish to use this editor for other work, I suggest that you rebuild it from the objects. All modifications are in lower case (Dec stuff is almost always in upper case). To find what was modified, you can use the bed program as follows: *osn !case sensitive and line numbering on *g/[a-z]/p !print any line with lower case text If you need to convert any of this to upper case do the following: *os !case sensitive *g/[a-z]/s/.*/&\u !find lower case lines- convert to upper This directory contains the MP macro processor necessary to pre-process some of the JPL macro programs supplied elsewhere on tape. The sources of this program are not supplied because they are proprietary. If you expect to depend on a program supplied here and don't trust the objects of this expander, then go from the expanders output. However, I have not had to go back to sources in a few years and I don't expect DEC to screw up object librarys such that an imcompatibility would develop. Documentation is in `mp.l'. To build: tkb @mp.bld Note that the macro library used with this processor is subject to change at any time. In fact some of the programs supplied with this processor need to be updated to the newer macro library. In particular the PRINTF statement changed in a recent update. Also in this directory are mp macros for doing block i/o and some sprintf (see conroy's C compiler runtime system) functions without the overhead of the entire C runtime system. I use this when I need to write privel'd tasks. Mpm.mac is a runtime intercepter like those found in the C system except it does not redirect stdio. With this I can write a priv'd task which does fcs I/O and has a formatted print routine (nicer than decs edit which has opcodes I can never remember) in a couple k of code. (Most of all, I prefer using my own language and I can get away with it). An indenter written in BASIC-11 is included along with MPM.lst which has been run though it. TTy is a program to display on the ti: all the characteristics of either ti: (default) or some terminal. It is useful in that it shows how one can use the expander to do all the hard work. It is also one of the few programs of this nature I have found on the tapes which displays control-s status and the current type-ahead count. Usage: tty # where # is octal terminal number and defaults to ti: The .s programs are from Conroy's runtime system. This directory contains a combination of two older decus programs, namely lc (directory lister) and grep (pattern matcher). They were originally with utilities that came with the FAMOUS Conroy C compiler. This program predates the C compiler from the fall 1979 tapes, thus the assembler module gethdr.s may need some work. It does have a bug which has to do with how DEC puts directory files together. Sometimes the next free byte indicator appears to be wrong and one garbage item is listed. ls (list directory): Normally, files are listed in alphabetical order, in 4 columns. Its options are: -1 Print in 1 column format -d Don't sort. -l Print in long format -n Include version numbers -p Include protection in -l format -t Include totals in -l format -v negagated class selection usage: ls [-1dlnptv] [pattern] [uic] [>file] pattern is a UED pattern (regular expression) with these exceptions: ? is the ANY character (instead of . ) # is equivalent to [0123456789] (matches numbers) @ is equivalent to [] (matches alphas) The ^ [] $ [^ ] * special characters all work. note: patterns may not begin with "[" (thinks its the uic). Use: ls ?*[...] or ls ^[...] etc. Output may be redirected to a file using the >file option. This is Conroy's editor with enhancements and some (few needed) fixes. It has quite a few extra modules (I hate conditionals) which create different configurations of the editor. The command file Ued.cmd will build all of the object modules and build a few of the versions. Current versions exist which: (and respective build files - .bld) ged make a get-command line version bed make a big file editor version (yes, this time it really works!!!) vsed make a `screen' editor for vt100's ued make a `screen' editor for tele-rays To save the time and trouble of running macro-11, the objects are supplied. See notes.txt for random information and previous comments. This is a running log of changes and may contain the only documentation on new modifications to the editor. NOTE - NOTE - NOTE We use 3.1 io modules and fcsres. Thus we can't use the new syslib.olb. Therefore some of the build files (.bld) reference qiosym. This is an extracted module from the 3.2 syslib which contains full duplex driver symbol defs. Qiosym is supplied in this package. If you are using 3.2 modules you may delete the qiosym reference from the build files. The vt100 versions require ansi mode be OFF at startup, although it is placed into ansi mode for short times to do the various functions. If you must use the vt100 (pity pity) you will find that aside from being able to shave looking into the vt100's glare free screen, you will also not be able to repeat the cursor movement keys (no auto repeat on any of the control characters or anything useful for that matter). The teleray versions also permit turning on and off dim mode without having to output the text again. Thus the vt100 modules do not support the `space' `f' option (space designates address range) which dims out all text not selected by the t command tags. As a quick test for success of the ged editor, try the example command file: Example.cmd. Do the following: run ged GED>@example You must have spawning in the system for it to work. It will create a pip directory list file in a temp file which it will edit, display a message on the terminal (of what the results should be) and then delete (spawning pip) the temp file. Note that all text in this file and Notes.txt was formatted using this editor. This program goes with the tktn mod elsewhere on this tape. It finds all tasks active on the terminal with a few exceptions and goes into system state and performs an abort (so it can set up a new abort code). All tasks are aborted on the users terminal. No notification is given if the tktn mods are installed. If not, then this task could crash the system (but I don't know for sure). The abort code could be changed to that which the mcr abo command issues if one does not want to modify tktn. We run a local command line interpreter task called ...jpl There is thus a check for any task which is called jplxxx or xxxjpl running on the terminal and skip the abort for that task. This may be nop'd or changed to suit your environment. This program is built using the MP macro processor (elsewhere on tape) However, the macro-11 output is also supplied and it may be built directly from kill.mpp. Look at kill.cmd to preprocess, assemble and build it. However, you most likely will have to do it manually unless you have the /prm install patch and have also built the MP processor. This directory contains 4 programs. They constitute a file transfer utility for 11m 3.2 between two machines that each have the full duplex driver. The SND program sends the file and the REC program receives it. If file transfers are not done too often, (and you don't want 3 programs installed and 1 active at all times) then you can just Run the REC program on one end and the SND on the other (it does a get command line and therefore you need the /prm= patch to install or you must install the program). Alternatively, if you install three programs and run one all the time (its only 1/2k and stopped when not doing anything) the SEND utility will perform send data's to the TRNSFR program who will wake up the other end (the tran program runs as TRNSFR on both ends) and spawn the SENDER. Users can queue up send requests but the send program stops until the file(s) are transfered. (SND is thus installed as SENDER and REC is installed as RECEIV). The syntax of the send command is: >send file1 file2 ... (file name must be 22 char or less) Group protection and error recovery are included. All attributes of the file are transfered and a contiguous file is made contiguous on the other end. At 9600 baud, an effective rate of 17 blocks per 20 seconds is realized. The TRNSFR program runs /pr:0 so it can spawn RECEIV with uic=[1,1]. This may not be necessary but it works for now. RECEIV needs uic [1,1] so it can set ownership of files and have access. A spawned program from a slaved task tends to get tt0 as its ti: and in order to set the UIC to [1,1] the receiver program needs to be installed when using the TRNSFR task. The following is the startup we use to initialize the lines. (some of it may not be necessary but I'm not sure). SET /SLAVE=tt5: SET /NOCRT=tt5: SET /NOECHO=tt5: SET /EBC=tt5: SET /RPA=tt5: SET /NOTYPEAHEAD=tt5: !do this to clear typeahead buffer SET /TYPEAHEAD=tt5: !but we do want typeahead SET /FDX=tt5: SET /NOVFILL=TT5: SET /HFILL=TT5:0 set /nowrap=tt5: set /hht=tt5: If the 2 machines get out of sync, we use the following command file. .IFACT RECEIV ABO RECEIV .IFACT TRNSFR ABO TRNSFR .IFACT SENDER ABO SENDER .WAIT RECEIV .WAIT TRNSFR .WAIT SENDER @[1,2]CM TT5 .SETS TTY P1 <---- this is cm.cmd .ENABLE SUBSTITUTION SET /SLAVE='TTY': SET /NOCRT='TTY': SET /NOECHO='TTY': SET /EBC='TTY': SET /RPA='TTY': SET /NOTYPEAHEAD='TTY': SET /TYPEAHEAD='TTY': SET /FDX='TTY': SET /NOVFILL='TTY': SET /HFILL='TTY':0 set /nowrap='TTY': set /hht='TTY': asn 'TTY':=cm00:/gbl asn 'TTY':=cm01:/gbl <--- down to here rem trnsfr rem sender rem receiv ins $tran/task=trnsfr ins $snd/task=sender ins $rec/task=receiv run trnsfr 20t This directory contains a little program which allows one to modify the send queue for prt... for those of you who feel that Dec's new 3.2 spooling system is overkill. Also, we have graphics printers which need to be attached when used in plot mode. I can't any commands which allow for that. Also I don't want all those installed tasks. The below described program was taken from the spq (spooler queue display) program I got from the KMS fusion kit (James Downward's package). These two programs probably should be merged. Also we run a friendly shop and thus any non-priveledged user can modify prt...'s queue. Usage: >lkpill or >lpk filename.uic[;version] The first command (lpkill) saves prt...'s receive queue listhead and issues an abort on prt... (connecting on its exit). It then restores the receive queue listhead and requests prt... Note that if lpk is aborted in the middle of its procedure that some pool will be forever lost (maybe even a system crash). However, when used properly this command will abort the current listing and continue on the next file in the queue. The second command format permits one to delete an entry in the queue. It simply zero's the file id portion of the receive buffer so that prt... thinks the file was previously deleted. We direct the message from prt... to our console which is the only tty we set to full duplex. This is needed or else prt... could hang forever if it can't get out the message. (It's lun 2). This directory contains a modified version of Stamerjohn's famous 11m virtual disk driver package. Herein is a version of AVD which allows one to assign a virtual disk by specifying the starting block number and the extent. We use this along with our AED-8000 disk controller to simulate an rp06 with 1200 or so cylinders (rp06 has only about 800). Thus The first 2/3rds of our disk appears to rsx as an exact replica of the rp06 and the last third (accessable by patching the ucb of the driver to permit 515000 blocks) is a virtual disk. Thus we can hardware boot it without making any patches to boot and sav as well as we can use preserve on the first 2/3's (we never backup the virtual disk - use it just for scratch). One other possibility is to assign a virtual disk which overlaps the actual disk BUT AS READ-ONLY. We use this whenever we use BRU (after it wiped us out one time). Also one can then read any where on the disk one wants (say with dump) to look at the boot block etc. - all with the disk up and running for other users. Of course you need the Virtual disk package from earlier decus tapes. If you are not familiar with the virtual disk driver I recommend you look into it. It is one of the most useful programs (especially for its size) that I have come across on the tapes. (When I asked Dec why they wouldn't support it they said: 'We intend to write one ourselves', but I doubt if it will ever be as good.) ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; MCR COMMAND LINE IN FORM SHOWN BELOW. ; ; avl VDN:=/SW ; ; VDN: VIRTUAL DISK TO ASSIGN. ; /SW SWITCHES: ; ; /RO ALLOW ONLY READ ACCESS (optional) ; /be:beginblock (necessary) ; /si:size (necessary) ; ; OUTPUT: ; ; VIRTUAL DISK ASSIGNED TO area on disk OR ERROR MESSAGE ; OUTPUT TO USER'S TERMINAL. ; ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This dir contains an untaber. It is ancient and requires some old library modules which are here also. These are NOT compatible with the ones in other directories on this tape, so don't mix em. This is the same Dungeon (A.K.A. "ZORK") that was distributed by the DECUS library. When it was first distributed on the RSX/IAS SIG tape at a DECUS symposium, the data files were eaten by FLX. A problem that many installations have is that the data files (DTEXT.BIN and DINDX.BIN) must be in the UIC of the person running Dungeon. This could not be changed since the source files were not supplied (and never will be). However, I have received permission from the Great Underground Empire to release the source of the initialization subroutine which determines the file names and UIC's. The version which I have supplied in Source, Object, and Task (RSX-11M) form looks for the data files in UIC [1,377]. If the .BIN files are present, it will use them. If not, it will regenerate them from the .TXT file. These files should be hidden from your users to avoid them getting clues from reading the files (names like PLUGH.OBJ would be good). Just make sure that all users have read access to the files so Dungeon can find them. All but two of the modules are written in Fortran IV-PLUS, the two are written in Macro. No Floating Point instructions are generated, so the FPP unit is not needed. Two taskbuild command files are provided: D.BLD is for systems that have the F4P OTS imbedded in SYSLIB. E.BLD is for systems with a seperate F4POTS.OLB. It is most important that Dungeon be built with the SHORT error text module if it is not the default (this is done by explicitly loading the module $SHORT from the library). This is to keep the size of the task image within the 32K maximum. Also, if you do not have a Floating Point Processor, you must explicitly specify the F4PEIS.OBJ file if it is not already built into F4POTS or SYSLIB. I recommend that you install it under the name of ...ZOR (for ZORK) to be consistant with previous usage. NOTE: DO ***NOT*** CONTACT ME ABOUT THE SOURCES FOR DUNGEON, AS I DO NOT HAVE THEM AND CANNOT GET THEM. I will, however, answer questions if you have trouble getting this up and running on your system. I have not played the game, however, so do not expect me to know anything beyond the installation procedures and general RSX/IAS questions. Alan E. Frisbie Xerox Electro-Optical Systems Mail Stop 351 300 N. Halstead Pasadena, CA 91107 (213) 351-2351 (In panic situations only! I reserve the right to be rude to anyone who bugs me when I am busy.) ! ! Brief description of FORTH installation procedures ! ! ! The FORTH.DAT file contains "screens" of data required by ! FORTH and must be copied using the image switch by either ! IAS DCL copy command or FLX or equivalent. For installation, ! this file is ready for use and needs no furthur care. ! ! The file FORTH.MAC is the source macro that contains most of the ! instructions/discussion/considerations for implementing FORTH in ! one of the following modes: ! ! o Stand Alone ! o On RT-11 ! o On RSX-11M ! o And since this implementation, on IAS V3.0 (without ! any changes other than to uncomment the RSX switch ! used for assembly. ! ! No special switches are needed for assembly and if your system support ! multi-user, build it accordingly. ! ! Unfortunately the users guide is not automated, but can be obtained by ! writing to FORTH Inc in Santa Monica, Calif or to the Los Angeles ! RSX/IAS DEC Users Group. ! ! This UIC contains a version of "SUPER STAR TREK" which has been modified for RSX-11D Operating Systems. It requires F4P support to build and floating point hardware to run. This program was modified by Cassius Smith from the original submission by D. Matuszek, P. Reynolds and D. Smith. Any questions may be directed to Cassius Smith of TRW. Phone number is (505)524-5361. The program is built using several command files: TREK.ODL is the taskbuilder overlay map command file TREK.BLD is the taskbuilder indirect command file TREKNT.CMD is the F4P indirect command file to compile the *entire* program, including listings. TRKNTNOLI.CMD is the equivalent of the above, but without list files to streamline getting the program on the air. LSTONLY.CMD is a command file to generate a *GIANT* list file of the entire game. Very nice to have, but slow in creating it. To build the program from scratch (source files only), issue the fol- lowing MCR commands: MCR>@TREKNT MCR>TKB @TREK.BLD MCR>SET /UIC=[1,1] MCR>INS [307,6]TREK/TASK=...TRE MCR>SET /UIC=[307,6] and to play, merely issue: MCR>TRE Please note: this version of the program will create a file on disk called "BATTLE.LOG", with file ownership under the UIC from which the TRE command line was issued. *Please* be sure that the file ownership is under the same UIC that TREK is built under. Otherwise privelege violations will occur when trying to clean up old BATTLE.LOGs. This precaution is merely to save one the trouble of getting a full directory listing just to clean up files in a game UIC. Have fun! This UFD contains files submitted by members of the Midlands Local Users Group located in and around Omaha Nebraska. Questions may be directed to the individual submitters or to the LUG officers. Thomas Bridge, Chairman MLUG DECUS NORCO Mills Norfolk, Nebraska Robert Mack, Co-chairman MLUG DECUS Informatics Inc. 1508 Kennedy Drive, Suite 215 Bellevue, Nebraska 68005 Michael C. Yankus, Sec/Treas MLUG DECUS PRC Information Sciences Co. 1508 Kennedy Drive, Suite 215 Bellevue, Nebraska 68005 FILE DESCRIPTION ---- ----------- SW.MAC DT03 (or DT07) UNIBUS Switch handler for IAS or RSX-11D. Refer to source code comments for details. SWTKB.CMD Task build command file for Switch handler (IAS). SWIMCR.MAC MCR task to turn DT03 switch on or off (via handler). SW0TKB.CMD Task build command file for SWIMCR. Task name ...SW0 is used for unit SW0, ...SW1 for unit SW1, etc. RSXERR.MAC Subroutine to print QIO, FCS, and DSW errors using MO.... and a modified QIOSYM.MSG file, RSX.MSG. Entry point QIOERR is used for I/O status return codes from QIO$ or QIOW$ directives. The $IOERR macro is used to call this routine: $IOERR IOST Entry point FCSERR is used to report FCS errors as follows: PUT$ #FDB,#REC,#LEN,FCSERR or CLOSE$ #FDB,FCSERR Entry point DSWERR is used to print directive errors: DIR$ #QIO,DSWERR or RQST$S #TSKNAM,,,,,DSWERR To build RSX.MSG proceed as follows: MCR>HEL [1,2] MCR>SLP SLP>RSX.MSG=QIOSYM.MSG / SLP>^Z MCR>EDI RSX.MSG *MACRO 1 N&C//PC=%P %D. / *99M1 *REN *99M1 *REN repeat till EOF *ED MCR>FLX /FA:64.=RSX.MSG/RS IOERR.MDF Macro definition for $IOERR. To place in library: MCR>HEL [1,1] MCR>LBR RSXMAC.SML=IOERR.MDF MOLUN.MAC Used by RSXERR. FILE DESCRIPTION ---- ----------- FOMSG.SLP Enhancements to MO handler. Submitted by Robert Mack, Informatics Inc., 1508 Kennedy Drive, Bellevue, Nebr. 68005. This is a SLP command file for use in rebuilding the IAS V3.0 distributed version of the MO handler. It provides two additional features: 1. A parameter which will allow conversion of unsigned decimal numbers. (The original only allows signed decimal.) 2. A provision to allow specification that the system time be placed in the output string. To convert decimal numbers to their unsigned form in the output message use the following: %nE Convert n words beginning at the current location in the parameter list. Each word produces an unsigned, zero- suppressed ASCII string (maximun 5 digits) that is an unsigned decimal representation of the word. The character V may be used in place of the count n if a variable number of words are to be converted. To specify that the system time be placed in the output message use the following: %M No parameters are to be supplied and any which have been placed on the list for subsequent use will not be affected. For example: THE TIME OF DAY IS %M produces at 12:34:56 THE TIME OF DAY IS 12:34:56 To build the modified MO handler place FOMSG.SLP in [311,14], assemble and task build as follows: MCR>SLP SLP>FOMSG.MAC=FOMSG.MAC @FOMSG.SLP SLP>^Z MCR>HEL [1,1] MCR>MAC [11,14]FOMSG,[211,14]FOMSG/-SP=[311,14]FOMSG MCR>TKB @[11,14]MOBLD THIS DIRECTTORY [307,5] CONTAINS A LIBRARY OF FORTRAN CALLABLE ROUTINES, INCLUDING ROUTINES DESCRIBED IN TWO PAPERS TO BE GIVEN AT THE FALL '80 SYMPOSIUM. "RANDOM ACCES OPERAIONS ON SEQUENTIAL ACCES FILES", AND "MULTIPLE PRECISION ARITHMETIC FOR ACCOUNTING PURPOSES". THE MULTIPLE PRECISION ROUTINES ARE DESCRIBED IN A RUNOFF FILE NAMED MULTIPLE.RNO, ALL THE REST OF THE ROUTINES ARE DESCRIPED IN THE RUNOFF FILE NAMED CETUS.RNO. THIS VERSION OF THE CETUS LIBRARY SUPERCEEDS ALL OTHER VERSIONS OF THE LIBRARY RELEASED ON EARLIER TAPES. TO BUILD THE "CETUS LIBRARY" OF FORTRAN CALLABLE ROUTINES, YOU COMPILE ALL THE *.FTN FILES WITH FORTRAN 4 (VERSION 1C WORKS ON ALL BUT THE NEWEST ONES). THE MACRO FILES MUST BE BUILT WITH THE PREFIX FILE SUPER.MAC. FOR EXAMPLE, >MAC CURSE=SUPER/PA:1,CURSE THIS PREFIX FILE CONTAINS THE "SUPERMAC" MACROS, SO YOU SHOULD USE THE BIGMAC ASSEMBLER AND INSTALL IT WITH A LARGE INCRIMENT. AFTER ALL THE OBJECT MODULES HAVE BEEN CREATED, BUILD THEM INTO ONE LARGE LIBRARY, AS MANY ROUTINES IN THIS PACKAGE WILL REFERENCE EACH OTHER. MIKE HIGGINS CETUS CORPORATION 600 BANCROFT WAY BERSERKELEY, CA 94710 (415) 549-3300 X490 uics 307,20; 307,21; 307,22 all contain Greg Thompsons enhancements [307,20] - Greg Thompson enhancements in the rsx11m 3.2 exec These should go into [11,40] [307,21] - Greg Thompson enhancements in the rsx11m 3.2 mcr These should go into [12,40] [307,22] - Greg Thompson catch tasks and other utilities These should go into [1,24] These enhancements include such things as auto-baud on dz11's & dh11's running multiple copys of a task(PIPTnn,PIPUnn,PIPVnn ...), passing command line arguments to ind, ect, ect Greg Thompson inhancements in the rsx11m 3.2 mcr These should go into [12,40] Greg Thompson catch tasks and other utilities These should go into [1,24] This file is [307,23] README.1ST. The files in this directory are a conglomeration of system enhancements and utilities that i either wrote or acquired from one of several sources. The following README files describe this RSX Fall '80 SIG tape contribution in full: README.2ND - describes the .SLP patches to the RSX11-M operating system, the full-duplex terminal driver, MCR..., ...MCR, ...AT., TKTN, HELLO, BYE, and INStall. README.3RD - describes a very useful catch-all task (MC2 MC3) which relies heavily on the patches described in README.2ND. README.4TH - describes some other neat programs, including a file REIncarnator, a fortune COOKIE task, a Fortran-callable link to the System Library Command String Interpreter routines, and a replacement module for SYSlIB that causes tasks built with the Get Command Line routines to make use of the IO.RPR feature of the terminal driver (rather than use IO.ATT, IO.WLB, IO.RLB, IO.DET sequences). Most of the terminal driver modifications (auto-baud, 19.2K baud, ^Y abort support, etc.), the original MC2 and INStall enhancements, and various other neat things came originally from Greg Thompson, a DEC software specialist working at NASA/Ames. These programs and patches were paid for by public money and are all in the public domain, although i have substantially modified many of Greg's system patches. Greg included the following disclaimer with his submission to the BAYLUG local tape collection: The following enhancements have been made to the RSX11M V3.2 operating system. They are mostly distributed in the form of standard correction files which must be applied to unmodified source files as obtained from your system distribution. The correction files incorporate all known patches to the respective modules up and including December 79. All further patches need to be carefully merged with the enhancements into common correction files. These enhancements are provided on an as-is basis without any support implied. Nevertheless, I am interested if you find any bugs or problems. I can be reached by mail: Greg Thompson 2525 Augustine Drive Santa Clara, Ca. 95051 Many of the ...AT. patches came from either Greg Thompson, Jim Downward (KMS Fusion), or articles published in the Multi-Tasker. This is also the conglomerate source of the SET enhancements. The Fortran TIMER routines and Command String Interpreter routines came from Larry Baker at the U.S. Geological Survey, but i have modified them extensively for this submission. November 2, 1980 Daniel Steinberg SRI International loc. K1023 333 Ravenswood Menlo Park, CA 94025 (415) 326-6200 ext.5539 [307,24] This uic contains a few extentions to conroys 'c' the spring 1980 version [307,25] SUBMISSIONS FROM FORD AEROSPACE AND COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION 3939 FABIAN WAY PALO ALTO, CA. 94303 (415) 494-7400 STEPHEN M. LAZARUS MAIL STOP X-90 EXT. 6291 FRANK HALLAHAN MAIL STOP X-90 EXT. 5015 PERFRM .SLP;1 THIS IS A SLP CORRECTION FILE TO PERFRM.MAC OF THE PERFORMANCE LIBRARY WHICH APPEARED IN [307,25] OF THE SPR80 RSX TAPE. A BUG WHICH LEAD TO INCORRECT NAMES APPEARING HAS BEEN FIXED. AUTOBRU .CMD;1 COMMAND FILE TO PERFORM REGULAR CLEANUP AND SAVE OF THE SYSTEM DISK. (RUNS FROM A PRIVLEDGED ACCOUNT) AUTOBRU .TXT;1 DOCUMENTATION FOR AUTOBRU.CMD ABBLD .CMD;1 FILE TO PREPARE A UIC TO RUN AUTOBRU.CMD README .1ST;1 THIS FILE [ 3 1 2 , 3 1 5 ] Fall 1980 This area contains the following new submissions: 1. DDT22.MAC - a version of DDT with a few bugs fixed and the addition of support for floating point numbers and instructions (provided you have a Floating Point Processor or the F.P. Emulator). This version will also run correctly on an LSI11 or under RT11 or both with reasonable operating system support. Floating point numbers may be entered or displayed in floating point and access to floating ACs and status is provided. Instructions are displayed, though opcodes had to be shortened because DDT was designed using a byte for text displacement... sorry 'bout that. 2. GREP - a version of RSX GREP enhanced from previous SIG tapes. The character "\" now matches space, or any of :;[]=/, so that matches may be made with strings including characters CSI will throw out. Also & is a totally wildcard character. There is a new switch /CO:nnn which will allow GREP to display the next nnn lines after a match also, though if it reaches a form feed it will stop even if its continuation count is not exhausted. 3. TPP - a Tape Position utility that will position tape, write endfiles, and read or write card image files to or from tape in ASCII or EBCDIC with block factors up to 100 card images. It can read tapes, in either code, with arbitrary record size (up to 180 bytes as assembled) onto a PDP11 file; it only writes card images. 4. LISTRS - the multicolumn lister revisited. Some minor improvements over the old versions, including the ability to really set page "length" to 1 line if the /NP switch to suppress pagination is used. Also the /ED switch takes a value to be used between pages if neither FF nor control D are desired. 5. MSX - A version of the MSX distributed operating system which updates the version on the Spring 1980 tapes. Some bug fixes and significant new functionality are suported. The version of MSX here has a conditional assembly code called SE$K which, if defined, includes code to handle multi-level security according to the DOD model. This code is not sufficient to give true MLS protection for the RSX environment, but the stand-alone version of MSX is probably secure provided that permanently resident tasks are really written secure and audited. 6. MCRDIS - This file is a corrector in SLP format to allow the RSX11M+ MCR dispatcher to throw out spaces and control characters that precede a legal command, and allow task names or CCL commands shorter than 3 characters. It also allowt the procedure Interpreter ...PIN to be called upon typin of #FILENAME to do an effective PIN FILENAME. This permits use of much of the software from the KMSKIT submission to the SIG tapes to make your RSX11M+ system more friendly. The corrections are inspired by the corrections done by Jim Downward to the 11M V3.2 MCRDIS. The file uses text locators as its sole means of positioning, so should work even after an autopatch. Glenn C. Everhart 409 High St. Mt. Holly, N.J. 08060 (609)-261-3709 (609)-338-6022 (RCA) DSA Distribution Tapes Introduction DSA Distribution Tapes Version X02.00 Last edit: 28-OCT-80 10:23 The Data Systems Applications (DSA) group maintains a number of 800 bpi 9-track magnetic tapes for the purpose of distributing locally supported software. In general, all tapes contain files in DOS-11 (FLX) format, and are self-sufficient (i.e. they are complete in and of themselves). The distribution tape supplied to DECUS has all the files from all the tapes combined into one tape. They were organized to use UIC's [313,*], but this may get changed before the final distribution tape is released by DECUS. Wherever possible (i.e. where not too inconvenient), the command files have been made to run independent of the UIC under which you are operating. In the following descriptions, "XXn:" indicates the mag tape unit used to read the tape (e.g. MM:, MT1:, etc.). DSA Distribution Tapes PAGE 2 Tape listing Program Main UIC Instructions for use ------- -------- -------------------- README [313,1] None - documentation only TECO [313,10] >FLX =XXn:[313,10]TECGEN.CMD >@TECGEN TYPE [313,20] >FLX =XXn:[313,20]*.* >@TYPE UIC [313,30] >FLX =XXn:[313,30]*.* >@UICGO IND (AT.) [313,40] >FLX =XXn:[313,40]INDGEN.CMD >@INDGEN DMP [313,50] >SET /UIC=[313,50] >FLX LB:/CO/BL:55.=XXn:[313,50]DMP.TSK >SET /UIC=[1,2] >FLX LB:=XXn:[313,50]DMP.HLP TISTAT [313,60] >FLX =XXn:[313,60]*.* >@TISTATGO FLEX [313,70] >FLX =XXn:[313,70]*.* >PIP TI:=README.* DSA Distribution Tapes PAGE 3 TECO Tape Name: TECO Program(s): TECO and TECO macros Version: V35 with some V36 modules (CRTRUB) Description: Contains TECO and various utility TECO macros and command files. The TECO macros include the module update macros, the "SEARCHALL" command file and macro, and VTEDIT for use with VT52's and VT100's. The best things about this TECO is the automatic module update feature (keeps track of changes to a source module automatically) and the default indirect command file lookup feature (if .TEC file isn't found in the local aera, it looks in LB:[201,5]). DSA Distribution Tapes PAGE 4 TYPE Tape name: TYPE Program(s): TYPE and PRINT Version: X04.02 Description: Faster, more convenient form of "PIP TI:=filespec". When installed as ...TYP, output goes to TI:. When installed as ...PRI, output goes to CL:. TYPE uses default file extensions, and will look for several extensions (e.g. .FTN, .MAC, .CMD, etc.) before giving up. This revision of TYPE allows wildcard characters in the file name, and also truncates trailing blanks from the end of the line. See TYPE.TXT on the distribution tape for details, or type "TYPE /HELP". An extremely useful feature is the ability to type source files with or without typing out the comment lines. THIS PROGRAM IS **GREAT**. TRY IT. DSA Distribution Tapes PAGE 5 UIC Tape name: UIC Progams(s): UIC Version: Y02.02 Description: Simplified form of "SET /UIC" command. The user just types "UIC" to print his current UIC, or "UIC ggg,mmm" to change his UIC. UIC can also read the system account file (LB:[0, 0]RSX11.SYS) to set your UIC to any valid account UIC. The password is ignored if you don't specify it, but is checked if you do (necessary when more than one account has the same account name but different passwords). The SY: defined in the account file is then set to your local SY:. For example, >UIC 1,2 Sets your UIC to [1,2] >UIC SYSTEM Looks up account "SYSTEM" in the account file and sets your UIC and SY: to the UIC and login SY: associated with that account >UIC Print your current UIC and SY: UIC=[1,2], DK2:=SY: Generally, this utility is most useful when an installation has many accounts (UIC's) such as ours. It eliminates the need to remember the UIC -- just remember the account name. It is also great for logging onto a privileged account and quickly switching to a non-privileged area. DSA Distribution Tapes PAGE 6 AT. (IND) Tape name: IND (AT.) Program(s): AT. - Indirect command file processor (IND.TSK) Version: 04.25 Description: Contains AT. with the modifications described in the Release Notes to allow AT. to use the STOP$ and SPWN$ directives. Also, the user is given the option of building AT. to search LB:[201,1] for the file if it isn't found in the user's area. This version also lets the user type CTRL/O to inhibit the typing of successive comment lines, and handles .ENABLE QUIET better (per patches published in Multi-tasker). DSA Distribution Tapes PAGE 7 DMP Tape name: DMP Program(s): DMP - Dump utility Version: M0007. Description: This is the standard DMP with three additional switches: /EBCDIC - Converts input from EBCDIC to ASCII and outputs as ASCII /LC - Enables lower-case output for /EBCDIC or /ASCII /SI - Output data in signed format. The task image is provided on the tape along with a help file (DMP.HLP) that shows the changes. The task image was built with ANSI mag tape support. DSA Distribution Tapes PAGE 8 TISTAT Tape name: TISTAT Program(s): TISTAT - Provide TI: information to AT. Version: X01.01 Description: TISTAT is a privileged task which provides information about your TI: terminal to AT. It does this by returning bit-encoded information in the exit status ( in AT.) word. If your version of AT. was not built to support spawning, then TISTAT is useless. (The command file that builds TISTAT automatically checks this and warns you if it is no good.) TISTAT must be installed as ...TIS in order to be run by non-privileged users. The information returned by TISTAT includes the terminal number, whether or not the terminal is privileged, CRT, formfeed, wide buffer, slave, or is set lower case. DSA Distribution Tapes PAGE 9 FLE (FLEX) Tape name: FLE (FLEX) Program(s): FLE (FLEX) - Structured FORTRAN pre-processor Version: 22.34 Description: FLE (FLEX) is a program that accepts a text file as input and provides structured control statements such as "WHILE", "CONDITIONAL (CASE statement)", "REPEAT UNTIL", "WHEN...ELSE (IF-THEN-ELSE)", etc. This version of FLEX also handles INCLUDE statements in the same manner as FORTRAN-IV-PLUS. (If you haven't tried FLEX -- you should. We find it better than RATFOR because of the listings it generates and the simpler language constructions.) INDEX AT. (IND) . . . . . . . . . . 6 DMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 FLE (FLEX) . . . . . . . . . . 9 FLEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 IND (AT.) . . . . . . . . . . 6 Introduction . . . . . . . . . 1 Tape listing . . . . . . . . . 2 TECO . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 TISTAT . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 TYPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 UIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The files actfil.obj,getnum.obj,gnblk.obj are extracted from mcr.olb This version of FLEX has some bugs fixed from previous versions, and includes on major enhancement: the INCLUDE statement (a la FORTRAN-IV-PLUS). The tape includes a FLEX task image not linked to any resident library, and should be immediately usable. It also includes the files necessary to re-build FLEX linked to an F4PRES. FLEX.DOC is the documentation for FLEX and descibes the new INCLUDE capability. MULTI-TREK is a game similar to traditional Star-trek games except that it involves several players (currently up to 8), who play against each other rather than against imaginary Klingons, Romulans or whatever. The MULTI-TREK universe consists of a 100 by 100 matrix, of which an approximate 20 by 20 matrix of each player's immediate area is displayed and continuously updated at their terminal. MULTI-TREK was originally submitted to the New Orleans collection, then to the 1979 San Diego collection with the addition of robot ships. This version has been recoded in RATFOR and has significant enhancements and improvements, most notably the addition of energy nets, an improved screen display, much better input-output (any terminal with clear screen and cursor positioning may be used at speeds from 1200 baud on up), use of default ship and direction with most commands ("L" sets the default direction), more competitive scoring, smarter robot ships, and fewer bugs. Complete instructions for starting and playing MULTI-TREK are in the file MTREK.DOC. The game consists of a driver task (MTREKD), a player task (MTREK) for each terminal, and a shared global common area for inter-task communication. MULTI-TREK was written for IAS 3.0, however, it should run under any system with shared global areas and rudimentary task switching or time-sharing. Real-time systems without time-sharing may have to play with priorities to insure that the driver task gets sufficient CPU time and that all players get an equal amount of time. MULTI-TREK was written with a structured Fortran called RATFOR. This UIC contains all of the Fortran produced by RATFOR, as well as the RATFOR source (file type .RAT). The RATFOR compiler is also included on the distribution tape. MTREK will work properly with any terminal with clear screen and cursor positioning. The source code is set up to drive ADM3-A's or VT100's. if you are using different terminals, you should modify the file "TERMINAL.RAT" (you could modify "TERMINAL.FTN") to drive your terminal. Modification should be straight-forward as the code is commented on where to change it. To build MTREK, do @BUILD Send comments, problems, etc. to: William Wood Intstitute For Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Ave. Philadelphia, PA. 19111 (215) 728 2760 RATFOR is a structured Fortran preprocessor providing "IF" - "ELSE", "WHILE", "FOR", "DO", "REPEAT" - "UNTIL", and "BREAK" and "NEXT" constructs. Also supported are INCLUDE files, DEFINE for symbolic constants, use of >, <, etc. instead of .GT., .LT., etc, and the "RETURN VALUE" construct in functions. This version of RATFOR is originally from Lawrence Berkely Labs; the major enhancements in it are: 1. Ability to specify a format statement in READ, WRITE, ENCODE, and DECODE statements; 2. True line continuation using the underline character; 3. Production of properly indented upper case Fortran code with comments passed through; 4. Addition of a /SYMBOLS switch to the command line to specify reading of the SYMBOLS file; 5. Ability to deal with single quotes on a line. This version of RATFOR should be used if you want to compile the RATFOR source to the MTREK multi-user star-trek also provided on this tape. To build RATFOR, do @BUILD Documentation is in the file RAT4.DOC. Send comments, problems, etc. to: William Wood Intstitute For Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Ave. Philadelphia, PA. 19111 (215) 728 2760 README.1ST MAO 28-OCT-80 THE FILES ON THIS TAPE ARE THE SOURCES AND COMMAND FILES FOR THE DECUS STRUCTURED FORTRAN PREPROCESSOR WORKING GROUP VERSION OF FLECS. THE FILES AND SOURCES WILL WORK UNDER RSX-11M 3.2, IAS 3.0 AND VMS 1.6. (NOTE RSX OBJECT MODULES MAY BE USED TO BUILD THE VAX VERSION EXCEPT FOR FLERSX.MAC WHICH MUST BE RE-ASSEMBLED ON THE VAX.) IN ORDER TO PRODUCE A WORKING COPY OF FLECS FROM THESE FILES THE FOLLOWING STEPS ARE NECESSARY (ON THE VAX REPLACE ".CMD" BY ".COM"): 1. TRANSFER ALL FILES FROM THE TAPE TO SOME DISK, UIC. 2. EXECUTE THE FILE FLECRE.CMD. THIS WILL COMPILE THE FTN FILES (NOTE F4P IS USED--FOR WILL WORK TOO), ASSEMBLE THE MAC FILE AND TASK BUILD FLE.TSK. DO NOT USE FLEBLD.CMD AT THIS STAGE; BECAUSE OF THE USE OF IN-LINE COMMENTS IN THE .FLX SOURCES ON THIS TAPE, OLD VERSIONS OF FLECS CANNOT PROPERLY TRANSLATE THE .FLX FILES ON THIS TAPE. 3. INSTALL THE COPY OF FLE.TSK PRODUCED AND EXECUTE THE FILE FLETST.CMD. THE FILE WILL TELL IF THE NEW VERSION OF FLE.TSK WORKS CORRECTLY. 4. AT THIS POINT YOU MAY WISH TO EXECUTE FLEBLD.CMD WHICH WILL GIVE YOU A COMPLETELY NEW SET OF FILES FOR FLECS (AND DESTROY THE DISTRIBUTION COPIES ON THE DISK). THIS FILE IS ACTUALLY INTENDED FOR USE IF YOU WISH TO MODIFY FLECS AFTER YOU HAVE A WORKING VERSION. BELOW IS A LIST OF FILES ON THE TAPE: README.1ST THIS FILE, AN ASCII TEXT FILE. FLECSMAN.RNO FLECS MANUAL, IN RUNOFF INPUT FORMAT. (RNO FLECSMAN/-HY/UL:L/-SP=FLECSMAN) FLEDECUS2.RNO TEXT OF TALK GIVEN AT FALL 1980 SAN DIEGO MEETING. GETCML.FLX SOURCE FOR EXAMPLE GIVEN IN FLEDECUS2.RNO FLEDIST.CMD COMMAND FILE TO CREATE THE DISTRIBUTION TAPE. FLECRE.CMD/COM COMMAND FILE TO CREATE FLE.TSK FROM DISTRIBUTION. FLETST.CMD/COM COMMAND FILE TO TEST NEWLY CREATED FLE.TSK. FLEBLD.CMD/COM COMMAND FILE TO RECREATE FLE.TSK ONCE FLECRE.CMD HAS BEEN USED TO CREATE INITIAL VERSION. FLECMP.CMD/COM COMMAND FILE TO COMPILE FLECS SOURCES (USED BY FLEBLD.CMD). FLETKB.CMD/COM COMMAND FILE TO TASK BUILD FLE.TSK. (USED BY FLEBLD.CMD). FLEPRT.CMD/COM COMMAND FILE TO LIST ALL FLECS COMMAND FILES AND LISTING FILES ON LP:. FLERSX.MAC SOURCE FILE, FLECS MACRO ROUTINES. FSUB.FTN SOURCE FILE, FLECS FORTRAN SUPPORT ROUTINES. A.FTN SOURCE FILE, FLECS ANALYZER SUBROUTINE. A.FLX SOURCE FILE, " " " A.FLL LISTING FILE, " " " L.FTN SOURCE FILE, FLECS LISTING SUBROUTINE. L.FLX SOURCE FILE, " " " L.FLL LISTING FILE, " " " M.FTN SOURCE FILE, FLECS MAIN ROUTINE. M.FLX SOURCE FILE, " " " M.FLL LISTING FILE, " " " FLE.CMD/COM COMMAND FILE TO USE FLECS. MICHAEL A. OOTHOUDT (505) 667-4354 OR (505) 667-5241 P.O. BOX 1663, MAIL STOP 828 LOS ALAMOS, NM 87545 END OF FILE README.1ST **** SUMMARY OF CHANGES FOR VERSION 22 OF RSX RATFOR: (NOV 80) BUGS FIXED: PCN 104: USING SPAWN WITHOUT USING FTNSWITCHES PASSED GARBAGE COMMAND LINE TO FTN. PCN 105: FIX TO ICSI SO CMD LINES > 35 CHAR ARE NOT TRUNCATED PCN 106: SUPPRESS UNLABELED (AND THEREFORE WORTHLESS) FTN 'CONTINUE'S. PCN 108: ALL FILE OPENS HAVE BEEN CHANGES TO EXPLICITLY USE A DEFAULT DEVICE OF "SY:" IF USER DOES NOT SPECIFY A DEVICE. THIS CAUSES THE USER'S THEN-CURRENT DEVICE ASSIGNMENTS TO BE USED FOR THE OPEN, RATHER THAN THE ASSIGNMENTS THAT WERE IN EFFECT WHEN RATFOR WAS INSTALLED. PCN 109: FIX A COUPLE OF TYPOS AND GENERALLY IMPROVE ERROR MESSAGES. CHANGES,FEATURES: BASIC RATFOR HAS BEEN COMBINED INTO 2 FILES (RAT1,RAT2). ADD MULTI-LEVEL 'BREAK' AND 'NEXT' STATEMENTS. SEVERAL MACRO ROUTINES AND A COMMAND FILE TO PUT THEM INTO STRLIB.OLB ARE INCLUDED IN THE KIT. USING THESE INSTEAD OF THE STANDARD RATFOR ROUTINES SPEEDS UP THE PREPROCESSOR 1-3% VS. FORTRAN IV; PROBABLY NOT AT ALL VS. F4P. NEW ROUTINES: QUICK BUILD INSTRUCTIONS: (SEE BLDRATFOR.CMD, A RSX11/M INDIRECT COMMAND FILE THAT DOES THE WHOLE THING, FOR MORE INFO). SEQUENCE IS THE SAME FOR BOTH RSX11/M AND /D BUT A COMMAND FILE THAT DOES IT ALL IS AVAILABLE FOR /M. COMMAND FILES SUPPLIED ARE FOR FORTRAN IV V2, BUT ONLY MINOR MODS ARE NEEDED FOR F4P; SEE F4PRATFOR.CMD AS A SAMPLE. COMMAND FILES ASSUME A DUMMY DEVICE NAMED XX0:. ASSIGN THIS WHEREVER YOU WANT BEFORE BUILDING. THE FIRST TIME, RATFOR IS BUILT FROM THE .FTN FILES ON THIS TAPE, AFTER THAT, WITH A WORKING VERSION OF RATFOR, YOU CAN RATFOR THE .RAT FILES TO CONFIGURE THINGS THE WAY YOU WANT IT. FIRST TIME YOU BUILD RATFOR-- MOVE EVERYTING ON THIS TAPE INTO UIC OF YOUR CHOICE. GIVE MCR THE FOLLOWING- FOR @FORRATFOR OR F4P @F4PRATFOR FOR @FORSTRLIB LBR @LBRRATFOR LBR @LBRSTRLIB TKB @TKBRATFOR INS RATFOR AFTER THE FIRST TIME-- ADD : RAT @RATRATFOR BEFORE THE FIRST LINE ABOVE. EDIT TKBRATFOR.CMD FOR RESIDENT LIBRARIES OF YOUR CHOICE. IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS, CALL DAVID P SYKES AMERICAN MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, INC. 1515 WILSON BLVD ARLINGTON, VA 22209 (703) 841-6086 GOOD LUCK [307,25] SUBMISSIONS FROM FORD AEROSPACE AND COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION 3939 FABIAN WAY PALO ALTO, CA. 94303 (415) 494-7400 STEPHEN M. LAZARUS MAIL STOP X-90 EXT. 6291 FRANK HALLAHAN MAIL STOP X-90 EXT. 5015 THE FOLLOWING 4 GROUPS OF FILES WERE DISCUSSED IN THE STRUCTURED FORTRAN WORKSHOP. CMD .DOC;1 CMD IS A PROGRAM TO GENERATE COMMAND FILES CMD .RAT;1 FROM A DIRECTORY LISTING. THE FILE NAMES CMD .RNO;1 FROM THE DIRECTORY ARE SUBSTITUTED INTO A CMD .FTN;1 TEMPLATE COMMAND LINE. CMDBLD.CMD WILL CMDBLD .CMD;1 BUILD THIS ROUTINE. MCRLINE .RAT;1 THIS IS A TEMPLATE FILE TO ALLOW A PROGRAM TO PROCESS MCR COMMAND LINES. SEE THE FILE FOR DETAILS. DEFN .RAT;1 THESE FILES ARE THE RATFOR LIBRARY MAINTAINED MAKLIB .CMD;1 BY THE STRUCTURED FORTRAN WORKING GROUP OF THE RATLIB .CMD;1 RSX SIG. SEVERAL NEW ROUTINES HAVE BEEN ADDED RATLIB .DOC;1 AND SOME CORRECTIONS MADE TO THE VERSION WHICH RATLIB .FTN;1 APPEARED ON THE SPR80 RSX TAPE. MAKLIB.CMD RATLIB .RAT;1 WILL BUILD THE RATFOR LIBRARY. RATLIB .RNO;1 VIEW .TXT;1 THIS FILE CONTAINS THE VIEWGRAPHS FOR THE RATFOR LIBRARY PRESENTATION DURING THE STRUCTURED FORTRAN WORKSHOP. README .1ST;1 THIS FILE Please find enclosed the contributions from the Maine LUG for the Fall '80 DECUS RSX tapes. Actually, all contributions this time around are from the Jackson Laboratory. Maine LUG Librarian The Computing Center The Jackson Laboratory Bar Harbor, Maine 04609 Phone: (207) 288-3371 X-306 This software is submitted in the general spirit of DECUS. Thus the software should be considered as experimental. The Jackson Laboratory assumes no responsibility for the use or accuracy of the software, and the software should not be used in a profit oriented fashion. If you have problems, patches, suggestions, or comments, feel free to contact the authors. No promises regarding maintainance though. The authors are: Eric Johnson ( LG.... BRM... LEVELS TECO_macros ) John Guidi ( $$$BLK $$$LBN TECO_macros ) Enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LG.... The LG psydo device handler is used as a resource task at the Jackson Laboratory. It provides a clean means for implimenting privileged processes for non-privileged tasks and for providing oft needed facilities through a know communications interface (QIO's). We use it as a system log because we run LEVELS on a VT100 as our console. By redirecting PDS's LUN 10 from CO0: to LG: all login/logout messeges go to both the console and to a file. LGINSTAL.RNO should provide enough info to get LG running. The source code documentation and the MACRO program LGTST give examples for using the QIO mechanism to talk to LG. The following is a list of the files associated with the handler and test programs. LGMAC.CMD LGTKB.CMD LGTST.DCL LGDEF.MAC LGINIT.MAC LGROOT.MAC LGTST.MAC KILC.MAC WAKUP.MAC LOG.MAC LGINSTAL.DOC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...BRM BROOM is a little utility that writes a block of nulls to every free block on a Files-11 multi-directory device. This is done periodically to insure that data from deleted files is kept private. It uses FCS to allocate the largest non-contiguous file possible, then writes to each block in the file. The files associated with this utility are: BROOM.CMD BROOM.MAC BROOM.TKB BROOM.DOC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVELS This is another version of the now famous LEVELS. This one has VT100 ansii mode support for the real time flavor. It does some fancy reverse video, and maintains separate scrolling regions for levels and the operator. LEVASM.CMD LEVTKB.CMD LRVPRE.MAC LEVELS.MAC LEVLIB.MLB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $$$BLK $$$BLK is a block identifier utility. It is useful in determining which files are allocated to particular locations on a Files-11 disk. Input to the utility consists of a list of LBNs. The utility outputs the file names which are allocated to the LBNs, as well as the corresponding VBN for each file. Read the file BLK.DOC to get started. BLK.DOC BLK.MCR BLK.PDS BLK.RNO BLK.TKB BLKCML.MAC BLKDRV.MAC BLKHLP.MAC BLKIMP.MAC BLKINSTAL.RNO BLKMAP.MAC BLKPRE.MAC BLKTRP.MAC BLKWRK.MAC PIPUTL.OLB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $$$LBN $$$LBN is a LBN mapping display utility which will identify all LBNs allocated to any user specified files. Input to the utility consists of file descriptions (possibly wild), or an indirect file which contains a list of files to be displayed. The file LBN.DOC is the starting point. LBN.DOC LBN.MCR LBN.PDS LBN.RNO LBN.TKB LBNCML.MAC LBNDRV.MAC LBNDSP.MAC LBNFND.MAC LBNHLP.MAC LBNIMP.MAC LBNIND.MAC LBNINSTAL.RNO LBNINX.MAC LBNPRE.MAC LBNTRP.MAC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TECO Macros There are a number of TECO macro sources (.TES) in this account. The file TECMAC.DOC describes how command line syntax and documents the function of each macro. These macros are not squished (obviously!). TECMAC.DOC ASCII.TES CTLIMP.TES KEEPER.TES NODUPS.TES STRIPPER.TES TABREP.TES WILD.TES 029TO026.TES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ K M S K I T V 3 . 2 U P D A T E # 2 0 4 - N O V - 8 0 The files on [344,*] represent an update and addition to KMSKIT for RSX11M V3.2 BL26. It is assumed that the user has the required previous files as found on the FALL and SPRING 1980 RSX SIG DECUS tapes. Contents of each UIC are described in detail in README.1ST files on each UIC. Documentation is in RUNOFF format, and generally .DOC files are also provided. [344,43] A new version of POOL which prints out a list of active tasks for the user to select for aborting. Two neat privileged tasks to help with pool and core allocation and to provide another level of task control. [344,45] A new version of KMS BATCH, rewritten to use SPAWNING. Does not require a special HELLO/BYE to work. Also a multi-stream Batch-like despooler, PDQ, which uses the new Queue Manager. [344,51] LDLIB routines. Routines providing transient resident libraries for RSX11M. Using PLAS, resident libraries (F4PRES, BP2RMS) will load into core when a task is run and leave when the task exits. [344,52] Documentation for QMG/LPP/QMGCLI send/receive packets. Can be made to create an insert for the Mini-Ref. [344,60] A slightly newer version of CCL. Literally more 'bells' and 'whistles'. [344,66] Performance measurement tools which use the hooks provided by the KMS Accounting System. As always, I enjoy hearing from users who are who have implemented various parts of KMSKIT, and will provide help as needed if difficulties arrise. I am still anxious to get comments and suggestions back on the KMS System Accounting package. User written analysis programs are more than welcome. KMSKIT will be supported through RSX11M V4.0, and I am now in the process of taking suggestions for the next release of KMSKIT. Sincerely, Jim Downward KMS Fusion, Inc. P.O. Box 1567 Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106 (313)-769-8500 04-Nov-80 Here we have two utilities. The first is an updated POOL program which will print out a list of active tasks which may be aborted (if and when a POOL crunch occurs). The second is a task which may be scheduled to run periodically to clear 'deadwood' out of GEN. If a task is stopped and has no outstanding I/O and it is checkpointable, it will be checkpointed out by CKP. This has the advantage of periodically compacting core, removing tasks lying around in stopped state waiting for an offspring's status to be returned, and saving POOL space( a task in core has it's header in POOL). Since, I have not tried this version of CKP on any other system but mine, and since it is a privileged task, be careful. Try it out standalone. We use a version of it scheduled to run every 2 minutes, and it seems to work just fine. Our version is not applicable to a standard V3.2 system, so the enclosed source file has been modified so it will supposedly run on a standard V3.2 BL26 system. Sadly, we no longer have a 'standard' V3.2 system lying around on a disk. There are times when one realy wants to stop the execution of a task. As is well known, the STP command will not always do this and it is slated for removal as an MCR command. The HALT command is provided as an example of how to absolutely stop the execution of a task. Of course the task gets frozen in memory and will not checkpoint (unless you go and add some lines of code in REQSB.MAC). Again this is a very privileged task, which has not been tried elsewhere. Use at your own risk, and test it carefully. It does, however, work on our system. GOOD LUCK, Jim Downward KMS FUSION, INC PO Box 1567 Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104 (313)-769-8500 29-Oct-80 KMS BATCH has been rewritten to make use of SPAWNING under RSX11M V3.2. Its use no longer requires modifications to HELLO and BYE. It provides a single stream BATCH like environment. A user SUBMITS a job, which is logged onto a virtual terminal. The single disadvantage of this is that there is only a single job stream allowed without rewriting the VT driver. To provide for a multi-stream BATCH like environment, PDQ is provided (Program Development Queues). PDQ provides for multiple program development queues to exist on an RSX11M system. These queues are managed by the QUEUE MANAGER. The requirement is that the user stay logged on to his terminal and not change his/her UIC until the command file starts executing. In practice the user submits his command file (.CMD) or procedure file (.PRC) via the EXEC CCL command. The command file is then despooled and an MCR command of the form @CMDFIL or PIN PRCFIL is spawned at the user's TI: when a queue becomes free. Please read PDQ.RNO for more details. PDQ provides a nice example of how to write a despooler for the queue manager. Good Luck James G. Downward KMS FUSION Ann Arbor, Mich 48104 (313)-769-8500 Only a minor change exists in this release of CCL. A CCL command file may contain a %B token as part of a command. This is taken to mean that CCL should ring the terminal BELL when the task or process completes. Enclosed is some QMG documentation, I got from a, not to be named, friend at DEC. Needless to say, neither I, nor DEC assumes any responsibility for the correctness of the bit and byte definitions, send packets, etc. I have found one mistake (not major). There may be more. However, it is far, far better than nothing and in that spirit I am letting it find its way onto the tape. Jim Downward KMS Fusion, Inc P.O. BOX 1567 Ann Arbor, Mich 48106 (313)-769-8500 ********************************** RALPH STAMERJOHN THIS UIC CONTAINS TWO SUBMSSIONS. THE FIRST IS AN UPDATED LOADBALE XDT. IT CORRECTS THE PROBLEMS WITH EXAMINING THE REGISTERS. THE SECOND ENTRY (STEP0.CMD) IS A COMMAND FILE THAT USES TECO TO PRODUCE A CONCANTANTED LISTING OF THE EXECUTIVE. ********************************** [357,1]README.DOC is a description of files submitted by: PDP-11 Seaboard Lug c/o Donald Arrowsmith Naval Air Propulsion Center Box 7176 Trenton, N.J. 08628 609-896-5730 [357,20] Contains an assortment of changes to RSX-11M V3.2 (and IAS V3). Each change should be evaluated on its merits for a given site. All changes have been in use but of course are not guaranteed. A good system manager takes a hard look at each possibility and either uses it directly or as a hint for another change. The following are included: EVF.MAC is an update of an earlier SIG tape program which lists event flag status. This version includes group global event flags and has been shortened. EVF.RNO is an updated operational summary. BLK.MAC is an update of an earlier SIG tape program which will print which file a given disc block is a part of. This version verifies that the given block is proper for the disc type and also stops looking through the index file once a file is located. The code was also shortened. BLKFCSBLD.CMD is a build file for BLK which uses FCSRES. Note that this version will need to be changed to work under IAS since the GLUN$ directive returns disc size in a differ- ent manner. DISASS.MAC is an update to a DOB module which includes some omitted standard PDP instructions and also adds the CIS set. DOB is a disassembler task for relocatable object files. See Fall 79 and Spring 80 SIG tapes for the balance of DOB. DISOBJ.MAC is another updated DOB module. This revi- sion causes common code to be generated for both RSX-11M and IAS thus allowing a single DOB.OLB. SECNDS.PAT is a patch to Fortran IV+ version 3.0 OTS. This prevents time differences of less than one tick being returned as one days worth. E.g. WRITE (5,*) SECNDS(SECNDS(0.0)) will sometimes print 86400 seconds. VFYRCK.PAT is a patch to a VFY module which prevents the reading of the file BADBLK.SYS which is known to contain bad blocks. This tends to fill up your error log with use- less information. INDERR.COR is an unpublished DEC patch to an Indirect module to produce a proper error message for the case where a lower level indirect file is not found and there were sub- stitutions on the original line. There is no patch file for this problem but there is a workaround: /-MA and /-CC fail when used in an .ODL file. They may be replaced with /NOMA and /NOCC which do work properly. FILPRO.PAT is a modified version of a patch from the June 80 Dispatch ( The original patch did not treat group 10 as privileged. MDCOM.PAT is a patch to an RMDEMO module which will in- hibit an extraneous C from being printed at the start of an IO Common in certain cases. INIPAR.COR is a slipper correction to INI module to prevent a disc from being initialized with a default file extension of 0 blocks. CLQOV.COR is a slipper correction to MCR to allow the CLQ command to print mark times in addition to task schedul- ing. DEVOV.COR is a patch to MCR to allow non-multiuser sys- tems to print disc volume labels with the DEV command. POWER.COR is a replacement of a correction file from the Spring 80 tape which was incorrect. MTDRV.COR is a correction to the TU10/TE10 tape driver which does not insert record length errors in the error log. BRU normally causes record length errors with its tape read technique. Also included are lengthened timeout periods and unimplementation of the power fail "feature". DKDRV.COR is a revised correction to the RK05 disc driver which changes all "not ready" errors to be logged as timeouts. The distributed driver sometimes classifies "not ready" as timeouts and sometimes as device hardware errors. Also included is a modified wait technique when the drive is not ready. DMDRV.COR is a revised correction to the RK07 disc driver which is similar to DKDRV.COR above. HELLO.COR is correction to HELLO which allows non-multiuser systems to have help files without all the Hello code. Also included is J. G. Downward's corrections from the Spring 80 tape. Also included is a revised file open which allows RNO produced files to be used as help files. BEGIN.PAT, BRUALLOC.PAT, and TAPEIO.PAT are patches to BRU modules to correct index file position problems. BRU always puts the index at the beginning of a disc, not at the input disc's position, as a default. TAPEIO.PAT corrects this problem. BRU also incorrectly determines the input disc's index file position. BEGIN.PAT fixes this problem. If the index file was identified as at the end, the alloca- tion scheme fails. BRUALLOC.PAT fixes this problem. MPONE.PAT is a patch to the IAS task builder to cause the correct total task size to be printed when a task exten- sion is specified. TU16N1.COR is a correction to the IAS TU16/TE16 tape driver to allow record length errors to be detected and re- turned. This is necessary for BRU to work on IAS. FIX1.MAC (and related .CMD and .DOC files) are modified versions from a prior SIG tape. Changes include handling zero length records and allowing wildcards in the filespec. THIS SUBMISSION IS FROM: JERRY JOHNSON BATTELLE PACIFIC NORTHWEST LABORATORY PO BOX 999 RICHLAND, WA 99352 (509) 375-2097 1,1 CONTAINS THIS README FILE. 361,200 CONTAINS "DALLOC" AN IAS DISK ALLOCATION SYSTEM. 361,201 CONTAINS "SALLOG" AND "SALANL", AN IAS SYSTEM ACTIVITY LOGGING AND ANALYSIS PACKAGE. "SALANL" HAS A SERIOUS BUG IN IT SOMEWHERE BUT I'M RELEASING IT ANYWAY. IF YOU FIGURE OUT WHAT'S WRONG, LET ME KNOW. IF NOT, PLEASE DON'T PESTER ME WITH ANNOYING LETTERS TELLING ME ALL ABOUT HOW IT DOESN'T WORK TOO WELL. I'LL FIX IT IN MY OWN GOOD TIME... 361,202 CONTAINS THE "AAC - ACTIVE ACCOUNTS" UTILITY. REALLY THIS IS A SOPHISTICATED VERSION OF "WHO" THAT ALLOWS YOU TO SELECT WHICH CHANNELS, (THAT'S RIGHT, CHANNELS, NOT TERMINALS), TO LIST. SWITCHES INCLUDE; "/BATCH", "/DIALUP", "/ACTIVE", "/CONSOLE", AND OTHERS. INFORMATION DISPLAYED INCLUDES USERNAME (OR UIC), CURRENT DISK AND UFD DEFAULTS, CLI, AND ACTIVE TASKS. THE CODE IS CONDITIONALIZED FOR BOTH TIMESHARING AND MULTIUSER FLAVORS OF THE OPERATING SYSTEM. 361,203 CONTAINS AN IAS ACCOUNTING CHARGEBACK ACCOUNTING SYSTEM WRITTEN BY TOM MATHIEU. TOM HAS BEEN SMITTEN BY THE PASCAL BUG SO PLEASE "PARDON THE LANGUAGE." 361,212 THIS IS THE "COPIOUS" LIBRARY OF FORTRAN SUBROUTINES USED BY THE AFOREMENTIONED DISK ALLOCATION AND SALLOG ANALYSIS PROGRAMS. INCLUDED ARE ROUTINES FOR CHARACTER STRING MANIPULATION, COMMAND LINE PROCESSING, DATE & TIME CONVERSIONS, FILE MANIPULATION, AND SUBTASKING. ALL-IN-ALL A PRETTY NICE THING TO HAVE KICKING AROUND. THIS UIC CONTAINS CORRECTION FILES TO THE SRD SUBMITTED TO THE FALL 1979 DECUS SYMPOSIUM RSX/IAS TAPE IN UIC [365,1] BY THE FILES-11 WORKING GROUP. APPLY THESE CORRECTIONS WITH THE COMMAND SLP @SRDALL.SLP BEFORE FOLLOWING THE PROCEDURE OUTLINED IN README.DOC. 31-OCT-80 BOB TURKELSON NASA/GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER CODE 934.9 GREENBELT, MD 20771 (301) 344-5003 SUBMISSION BY THE CITY OF GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA TO THE 1980 FALL DECUS SYMPOSIUM, SAN DIEGO (1) SIGN - A SIGN GENERATOR PROGRAM WRITTEN IN FORTRAN SIGN.FTN - FORTRAN SOURCE SIGN.OBJ - OBJECT OF SIGN.FTN CHARSET.DAT - CHARACTER SET FILE CONTAINING LARGE LETTER SET (2) PANTHER - A POSTER OF THE PINK PANTHER (REQUIRES PINK RIBBON) PANTHER.LST - 133 CHARACTER RECORDS THE CITY OF GAINESVILLE LOOKS FORWARD TO OFFERING SOME MORE INTERESTING PROGRAMS FOR THE SPRING DECUS CONFERENCE IN MIAMI, FLORIDA. SYS001.MCR HAS DESCRIPTIONS OF ALL THE CONTENTS OF THIS SUBMISSION, AND WILL ALSO MOVE THE ITEMS THE THE LOCATION YOU SPECIFY. ALL OTHER DOCUMENTATION IS CONTAINED IN THE .RNO, .DOC, AND .LST FILES. NO TASKS ARE INCLUDED SINCE EACH SYSTEM WILL PROBABLY NEED TO BUILD THEIRS SINCE THE SYSTEMS MAY BE DIFFERENT. THE SYSTEM IN USE HERE IS IAS V3.0 AND THE PROGRAMS ARE ALL WRITTEN IN EITHER MACRO OR FLECS (FORTRAN PRE-PROCESSOR). ALL EXCEPT THE PRIVILEGED TASKS SHOULD WORK ON ANY SYSTEM THAT IS FILES11 COMPATIBLE. HOWEVER, SOME INVESTIGATION MAY BE NECESSARY, SO USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. NO GUARANTEES ARE EXPRESS OR IMPLIED AND NONE IS INTENDED. WE ARE RUNNING ON A PDP 11/40 AND ALL THESE PROGRAMS ARE WORKING ON PDP 11/34 A'S. ANY QUESTIONS SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO: HAL HACKNEY % EASTMAN KODAK CO. 3131 MANOR WAY DALLAS, TX 75235 214-353-4563 OR PHIL CHAMBERLAIN SAME ADDRESS. Washington, D.C. RSX LUG Submissions Fall 1980 DECUS The Washington LUG submission consists of the following: 1. A pair of command files which operate as command responders. One, 'cmd.cmd', accepts a command prototype which contains INDIRECT type substitution arguments within the line, prompts for each argument then spawns the command line. Multiple commands can be spawned by separating them with "|"'s. For example, to time a set of compiles: >@CMD TIME|F4P 'FILE','FILE'/-SP='FILE'|TIME or >@CMD Enter prototype .... TIME|F4P 'FILE','FILE'/-SP='FILE'/TR|TIME ; Enter: * FILE [S]: TEST >TIME 12:55:09 20-OCT-80 >F4P TEST,TEST/-SP=TEST/TR >TIME 12:55:13 20-OCT-80 ; Enter: * FILE [S]: COPYDV >TIME 12:55:28 20-OCT-80 >F4P COPYDV,COPYDV/-SP=COPYDV/TR >TIME 12:55:38 20-OCT-80 ; Enter: * FILE [S]: ^Z >@ TIME|FOR 'FILE','FILE'/-SP='FILE'|TIME etc. Another function of the command file occurs when the input line contains NO substitution arguments. In this case the user will be prompted for a repeat count. defaults to an continuous repeat. For example, to print out a number of identical labels where a pattern is in a file: @CMD PIP TT4:=LABEL.TXT * Enter repeat count[N]: 100 The above will print 100 copies of label.txt on tt4:. The other command file performs similar things with a file as input rather than the keyboard. The file can be an existing file containing a list, one item per line, or can be created on the fly using a SRD select string. The following example creates a list of all files created on the current day, issues a PIP /LI for each file, copies each to tape, and deletes the file if the copy is successful. Note that valid IND lines can be intermingled with the MCR commands. >@LIST * Enter input file [S]: * Enter SRD select string [S]: /DA/HV >SRD TEMPLIST.LST;1=/DA/HV * Enter prototype... PIP 'FILE'/LI|PIP MT:='FILE'|.IF GT 1 .GOTO 10|PIP 'FILE'/DE >PIP TEST.FTN;1/LI ....DIRECTORY LISTING STUFF.... >PIP MT:=TEST.FTN;1 >PIP TEST.FTN;1/DE >PIP NEW.FTN;1/LI ....MORE LISTING STUFF.... >PIP MT:=NEW.FTN;1 ... ERROR HERE >PIP NEXT.FTN;1/LI etc. >@ The only known bug in these command files is that the substitution arguments, i.e. 'FILE' must be in UPPER case, AT. complains about syntax errors for lower case variable names. 2. TTP is a Tape Transfer Program that supports tape to disk, disk to tape, and tape to tape transfers. TTP will do blocking/unblocking, code conversions, record and file skipping, selective re-winding of volumes, transfers by record count, and many other options. The only known bug is a maximum record count of 32767. Any file longer than this will be truncated. A workaround is to transfer 32000 records, don't rewind input, transfer 32000 etc., then merge the files with PIP. The bug was left in, so that the program would be usable under FORTRAN IV as well as F4P. 3. FMB is a program for recovering files from mountable but garbled disks. The program allows convenient access to the file system, but allows one to bypass most errors encountered. Files must be copied to another volume. The HOME block, index file, file mapping info are all optionally displayed. This program has only been tested using F4P. It should work, but... 4. COPYDV is a program for making image copies of any disk device (i.e. block for block copies). The program was written to copy foreign structured devices to the MONSANTO virtual disks. The program has come to be used for duplication of RT11 and Diagnostic (DOS) format disks without taking a multiuser M Plus system down. The combination of the virtual disk package and this program has become our standard method of backup & restore for RT11 volumes. All of these files are in active use at AFRRI, so if you run across any bugs, please let me know. I'll try to fix any problems as time permits. Dr. L. Michael Fraser Biomathematics and Computer Support Dept. Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Inst. Mail Stop: BCS Bethesda, Maryland 20014 This uic contains the necessary software to produce calligraphy characters from the Hershey character set on a PDP 11 under RSX11M version 3.2. The system must have the following features aviable: FPP unit READ WITH PROMPT SEND, RECIEVE DIRECTIVE This package is designed to go to TEKTRONICS 4014,4010,4025,4662 plotting devices, how ever if you feel so inclined you can modify the subroutine ABSPLT.MAC and TOUTPT for almost and vector capable device. Thou I can't tell you how well it will work. Most of the software is documented by comments, as you can see I don't type too, well. Spelling isn't great either. Now about what is here, at the begining of the uic are a bunch of files with the ext of MIS,MSG,PLT,TVG,UTL . These are help files for most of the software, read them and decide if you want this package. The fortran routines should run under non F4P compiler, but we haven't try them since the last changes were made. So if you don't have F4P good luck. In this package are seven things. 1). a plot package for graphs for 4014 2). a calligraphy program HCS 3). a view graph maker (TVG) which uses the plot and calligraphy programs 4). a program (HCG) to make your own calligraphy characters and include them in the data base if you have a TEKTRONICS graphic tablet 5). a program (OUT) to outline the help file and produce a readable output on line printer( uses RNO) 6). a program (CA.FTN) patterned after CA program in SEPT decus rsx sig notes to reduce pool usage 7). mis garbage, i made this tape late sunday evening was too tired to elimate it. To build the plot package and calligraphy set run @plot If everthing goes ok will produce obj files these can be installed in SYSLIB with command file LBR.CMD. If you would rather have seperate lib use LBR as guide to build it. I think that is about all, good luck. R. Grandle Langley Research Center Hampton, Va. COMMAND Revision Date: 1 September 80 System Version: 002 These routines are written to allow a user to easily inter- face a FORTRAN program with the MCR command line input routines. This allows users control of their tasks through command line inputs and subsequently the power of using the indirect command line processor. The routines consist of TECO macros which act as a com- piler on a syntax file (.SYN). From this syntax file, COMMAND generates a FORTRAN common block for the command parameters (.DTB), a MACRO routine which does the actual parsing (.MAC) and a command file to assemble the parsing routine and clean up the files (.CMD). There are also a set of MACRO-11 macros to perform basic parameter manipulations during the parsing process. These routines were created under the combined influence of the Department of Atmospheric Science at Colorado State Univer- sity and the National Center for Atmospheric Research. Further documentation is found in COMMAND.DOC. Any problems or suggestions should be directed to: Marvin Brown NCAR P.O. Box 3000 Boulder, CO 80307 Phone (303)497-0681 FTS 322-7681 THESE ARE SOME UTILITY COMMAND FILES WRITTEN FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE AT COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY AND FOR THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH (NCAR). DIRLST.CMD GIVES A COMPRESSED DIRECTORY FROM A PIP [*,*]/TB DIRECTORY. LOGIN.CMD ALLOWS LOGON ACCESS TO AND A LISTING OF A UIC GROUP. MAKUICTXT.CMD CREATES A FILE (UIC.TXT) WHICH DESCRIBES UICS. (USED IN DIRLST.CMD AND LOGIN.CMD) MEMO.CMD CREATES A MEMO IN AN RNO FILE. PIPTR.CMD SEARCHES FOR AND TRUCATES FILES WITH NON- ALLOCATED BLOCKS. DIRLST.TEC TECO MACRO FILE USED IN DIRLST.CMD PIPTR.TEC TECO MACRO FILE USED IN PIPTR.CMD Submitted by : Robert Abramson Digital Equipment Corp. 110 Spit Brook Road Nashua, NH 03061 Contents: Summary description of PDP-11 FORTRAN OTS Accounting Enhancements to IAS/PDS Richard E. Evans Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. 50 Staniford Street Boston, Mass 02114 617 367-4288 The existing IAS/PDS system has two weaknesses that make the implementation of an in-house timesharing system difficult. The first weakness is the fact that IAS/PDS ties security and accounting tightly together. In an engineering office this is a problem because each employee should be able to accumulate system resource utilization charges for any number of accounts. In other words system security (LOGIN passwords) should be keyed to employees; while accounting (connect time, disk storage, etc.) should be keyed to active projects of the firm (accounts). The other weakness is the inadequate amount of resource utilization statistics that are captured and stored by IAS. IAS simply accumulates two statistics (cummulative connect time and core-ticks) for each user during an accounting period. Data that are required to charge clients for use of computing resources, such as the following, are not collected: 1. Connect time by session and person. 2. Batch vs. timesharing usage. 3. Usage of particular programs. 4. Disk storage usage. PAGE 2 To strengthen these weaknesses M & E has implemented enhancements to the IAS/PDS accounting. These enhancements have been implemented by means of patching in "hooks" to PDS at strategic locations. These "hooks" are in two locations in PDS: in the LOGIN/LOGOUT processing module; and in the subtasking module. These enhancements includes changes to the password verfication routine and additions to the subtasking routine to gather statistics on task usage. These enhancements work as an addition to, not as a replacement for, the regular PDS LOGIN and accounting. To get a complete set of listings execute the PDS command file LISTINGS.CMD. The complete documentation is in MAEACT.DOC. This account contains a pair of programs for chargeback accounting on RSX11M V3.1 or greater (sans "+"). One program, imaginatively titled "LOG" (ref LOG.MAC) takes care of logging user task executions, device usage and terminal signon time. The information is collected 'statistically', which is to say via samples. These samples are however collected at frequent intervals. The exact interval is adjustable but should be in the range of .5-1.0 seconds for most applications and to give a reasonable sample. A hashing scheme is used which keeps the overhead to a minimum. This information is written to a file (nominally LB:[6,10]ACCTLOG.DAT) in a format which is documented in the preface of the LOG.MAC source. There are also several parameters which should be set there for individual sites as well. This file is checkpointed every few minutes (adjustable) so that accounting data is rarely lost in event of a crash, (except of course for active tasks at the time of the crash, and nobody would want to charge them). This program runs on an 11/70, but is probably OK for anything /34 or higher. Some adjustments would likely be needed for anything smaller. The second program, "DSKLOG" will account for disk device usage by file owner UIC. The format of the file (LB:[6,10]DSKLOG.DAT) is compatible with that generated by LOG, so that they can be merged for reporting purposes. DSKLOG could certainly report into the same file as LOG, but that is a site decision. The format of the DSKLOG command line is documented in the source DSKLOG.MAC . What one choses to do with these files after they are generated is up to you. I have included a horrid little FORTRAN menagerie that we use to read a LOG/DSKLOG-format file (renamed or copied to LOGDATA.DAT) and report into LOGDATA.OUT . From there DATATRIEVE is used to generate the final reports. The DATATRIEVE procedures are included as LOG.DFN . We go through this awful scenario once a month, which isn't too bad, but the accounting file can get mighty big (> 1000 blocks) by then, so if disk space is limited, consider a more frequent purge-out (perhaps to tape once a week). [If anybody takes the trouble to write a decent post-processor I'd appreciate knowing about it.] The environment under which this is run is a PDP11/70 RSX11M V3.1 BL22 w/ 1MB semiconductor memory and 700Mb disk store. Obviously this is hardly spartan, and I can give little advice for more restricted environments. Have fun. Steve Duff Santa Fe Engineering R&D 505 South Main St. Orange Ca. 92668 Nov-80 INDEX IS A FORTRAN CROSS REFERENCING PROGRAM. A FORTRAN SOURCE FILE PROCESSED BY INDEX WILL BE CHECKED FOR ALL OF ITS VARIABLE NAME AND LABEL USEAGE. THE RESULTS WILL THEN BE LISTED IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER, LISTING ALL THE VARIABLE NAMES AND LABELS USED IN THE PROGRAM, THE LINES ON WHICH THEY WERE USED, AND HOW THEY WERE USED. IF NEEDED, THE VARIABLES FROM SPECIFED FORTRAN SOURCE FILES CAN BE SAVED ALONG WITH THOSE OF OTHER FORTRAN SOURCE FILES AND LATER PRINTED OUT AS A SUPER INDEX GIVEING VARIABLE NAME AND THE NAMES OF ALL THE FORTRAN SOURCE MODULES IT WAS USED IN. ALSO INCLUDED IS THE CAPABILITY TO EXCLUDE FROM THE INDEX LISTING ALL VARIABLES THAT ONLY APPEAR IN A FORTRAN SOURCE MODULE IN A COMMON BLOCK ,TYPE OR EQUIVALENCE DECLARATION BUT ARE NOT USED ELSEWARE(OR LIST ONLY THOSE IF WANTED). THE USER CAN ALSO LIST ONLY THOSE VARIABLES THAT ARE GLOBAL (DEFINED IN A COMMON BLOCK) OR THOSE THAT ARE LOCAL. A VARIATION OF THE SUPER INDEX IS AVAILABLE TO LIST (ALMOST)ALL ENTRY POINTS, THE MODULES THAT THEY ARE DEFINED IN, AND ALL THE ENTRY POINTS THAT CALL THEM AND THAT THEY CALL. INDEX WILL HANDLE ALL SOURCE FILES WRITTEN IN FORTRAN FOUR AND FORTRAN FOUR PLUS IN ACORDANCE WITH 'PDP11 FORTRAN LANGUAGE REFERENCE MANUAL' (DEC-11-LFLRA-C-D) AND THE FORTRAN 1977 STANDARD. INDEX CAN BE GENERATED TO RUN UNDER THE RT-11 OR RSX-11M OPERATEING SYSTEMS. Fall 1980 submission by Bob Denny Creative System Design 3452 E. Foothill Blvd. Suite 601 Pasadena, CA 91107 (213) 792-9474 ICE - Interactive Character Editor (V2 - For VT-100 in VT-52 mode) A Practical Display/Keypad Editor for small RSX-11M systems. Files: ICE2BLD.CMD ICE2.MAC ICE2.HLP This is a stripped down version of the ICE editor. I don't really know where it originated. My modifications were to get it to run under RSX-11M V3.2 with the FDX terminal driver. This is a 'lean and mean' editor, it runs in under 8KW when built with a 4K FCSRES FCS resident library. It also puts a low load on the CPU, in contrast to KED and TECO/VTEDIT(!!!). With 5 simultaneous users on an 11/34 (taking only 40K + FCSRES !), no one noticed much delay. For 'fancy' editing jobs, use TECO. To build: >MAC ICE2=ICE2 < Edit ICE2BLD.CMD to suit your needs > >TKB @ICE2BLD This version is set up for a VT-100, but it may VERY EASILY be converted to run on a VT-52. A quick look at the source makes it obvious, since everything is table driven. As it is, it uses VT-52 mode escape sequences. ****************** TAPEIO.PAT BRU patch for foreign TM-11 tape controller emulators. May allow you to use BRU if you haven't been able to before. Article describing the problem and solution will appear in the Multi-Tasker. ****************** SAMPLE of DECUS C SYSTEM. ** PRELIMINARY ** Files: CSYSTEM.DOC CC.DOC CC.TSK AS.TSK CLIB.OLB STDIO.H This is a sample of the DECUS C system, designed to whet your appetite. It is NOT the official release. It may contain bugs not in the official release! The official release may be obtained from the Structured Languages SIG C tape, or from the DECUS library. The tasks were built for a mapped system, GEN partition, no FCSRES. They use no EIS instructions. The library is the no EIS version. The manual files provided are NOT the latest. Get the hint??? If you are at all interested after looking this over, get the full SOURCE distribution from the Structured Languages SIG or the DECUS library! This is the contribution from 3M, as our lug is temporarily defunct. There are 3 programs available: a)Tcr - terminal characteristics utility b)Tcu - the TCU clock utility c)CDC - the EMULEX/CDC 9766 formatter 1)Tcr - the terminal characteristics utility. This program displays many different TT characteristics for either: a) all terminals b) all logged in terminals c) any single terminal d) TI: It is conditionally assembled for the SYSGENed options you selected. In addition, it keeps track of who is logged in by their last name. This is done via a private log file, and by subroutines task built into HELLO and BYE tasks. DEC provides a subroutine linkage for these two, and no modifications are required to them for this operation. TCR is sensitive to RSX-11M/PLUS, and it uses M/PLUS accounting, rather then the HELLO/BYE mechanism just mentionedon PLUS systems. In addition, TCR will execute a receive data in order to notify a loggod on user that he has electronic mail. This was done to avoid the notification case occuring whan a privileged user changed his UIC, thereby making him unknown to the RSX account file. Users of ARC mail distributed on previous tapes may modify the mail stuff to take advantage of this feature. TCR uses TPARS and GCML, and supports command files to a depth of 1. New commands to TCR are easy to add by the interested user because of the TPARS state tables. To get a listing of commands, type TCR HELP after installing Tcr. To assemble TCR, use: MAC Tcr=[1,1]Exemc/Ml,[11,10]Rsxmc/Pa:1,[TCRUIC]Tcr To Taskbuild TCR use: Tkb @TCRBLD OR Tkb @TcrPlsBld To use the Logging features of Tcr: Mac HelSub=HelSub Mac ByeSub=ByeSub Set /UIC=[1,24] [edit helbld.cmd Add "[TCRUIC]Helsub" before the line containing "/" Remove the line "GBLDEF=$USESB:0 ..." from HelBld.cmd.] [edit byebld.cmd Add "[TCRUIC]ByeSub" before the line containing "/" Remove the line "GBLDEF=$USRSB:0 ..." from ByeBld.cmd.] Re-build Hello and Bye, and re-install via VMR. Ufd LB:[10,3] Edit your startup.cmd and add the following 2 lines: Asn LB:=Dm1:/GBL Pip Dm1:[10,3]MailLog.Dat;*/De/Nm 2)Tcu - The Digital Pathways Tcu-100 and Tcu-150 controller task. This utility sets RSX-11M or RSX-11M/PLUS time via one the the TCU clocks. The mechanism for setting RSX time is done via a TIME command to MCR. The program is privileged in order to control the hardware without a driver. Setting the TCU is done with the same syntax as a RSX TIME command. Only privileged RSX users are allowed to set the clock or RSX time. TCU automatically determines which clock (100 or 150) is on line, and takes the appropriate action. Configuration can also be displayed concerning which clock, CSR, Vector, etc. In addition, TCU allows the user to change either the CSR or VECTOR for the remainder of the program session. Thus TCU hardware settings different than those Taskbuilt into TCU may be used online. TCU uses TPars and GCML, so command files to a depth of 1 are sup- ported, and new commands can be easily added by the interested user. To assemble TCU: MAC Tcu=[1,1]Exemc/Ml,[11,10]Rsxmc/Pa:1,[TcuUIC]Tcu To TaskBuild TCU: Tkb @TcuBld 3)CDC - The formatter task for the Emulex/CDC 9766 "RM05" This little routine makes use of the hardware formatting capabilities of the EMULEX controller, and allows on line formatting similar to DEC's FMT. Because it by-passes the DEC DR: driver, CDC makes some validity checks before formatting. 1) you must be a privileged RSX user. 2) the disk must be dismounted. 3) The disk must be allocated. 4) The controller drive type register must return a device code of 27, the code for a RM05. This code will NOT work for the EMULEX "extened RM03" 300 MByte unless the drive type check is modified to 24 or 25 (RM02 or RM03). The formatting takes about 4-1/2 minutes. CDC uses TPARs and GCML, and supports a command file depth of 1. New commands are easily added to CDC because of the TPARS state tables. To assemble CDC: MAC Cdc=[1,1]Exemc/Ml,[11,10]Rsxmc/Pa:1,[CdcUIC]Cdc To Taskbuild CDC Tkb @Cdcbld