RSX/IAS SIG Tape Distribution - Spring 1985 =========================================== This is the RSX/IAS SIG Symposium Tape from the Spring 1985 DECUS Symposium at New Orleans. The tape contains material submitted by the user community for the tape at that meeting. The programs on this tape are from user submissions. The DECUS staff, the RSX & IAS SIG staffs, and DEC are all in complete ignorance of the contents of the tapes. No warranty of any kind is implied in the distribution of these tapes. The programs may or may not be well documented, they may or may not work, they may even crash your system. If you have a problem with the contents of the tape, contact the author of the program. Do not contact DECUS, DEC, or the RSX or IAS SIG's. The tape contains about 1970 files requiring 57,000 blocks of disk space. Since this will fit on a single 2400 foot tape only in BRU at 1600 bpi, it is being distributed as such. To simplify distribution and production, the tape is a single BRU container file followed (for the LUG distribution only) by several extra files. Directory [300,1] contains the files documenting the contents of the tape. The following files are present: RSX85ATPE.DOC contains an abstract of the contents of the tape by UIC. 85AREADME.ALL contains a concatenated list of all the README files on the tape. RSX85ADIR.LIS contains a directory of all the files on the tape (BRU does not produce nice directories). This is a brief listing with UICs and filenames only for space reasons. SUBMIT.DOC contains guidelines for submissions to the RSX/IAS Sig Tape collection. This is MUST reading for everyone who desires to submit a program to the SIG tape. BEGIN85A.DOC has a copy of this text. UICSET85A.CMD contains the UFD commands to create all the needed UIC's on a device whose name is asked for in the command file. Edit it to match your needs before using BRU to extract the tape contents. A word of caution: under at least some circumstances, 11M V4.0 BRU's /UFD switch creates directories even when it doesn't put anything in them. If your disk is smaller than an RM03, you will want to exclude some files from the copy in order to have a backup set that fits on a smaller disk. Copy these off in separate passes. The directory [300,3] contains 15005 blocks and has the sig tape index. Directory [356,40] contains several Kermits and 7421 blocks. If these are omitted, the tape will fit on an RK07. Glenn C. Everhart RSX/IAS SIG Tape Copy Coordinator RCA A&D Engineering MS 206-1 Rt. 38 Cherry Hill, N.J. 08358 (609)-338-6022 RSX SIG SPRING 1985 README FILES ++++++++++++++++++++ [240,001]AAAREADME.TXT +++++++++++++++++++++ This area has a few random things for 8086/8088 under MSDOS including a FORTH, a FOCAL for Z80 and CP/M, and some small C sources. ++++++++++++++++++++ [240,002]READ.ME +++++++++++++++++++++ PC-VT is a VT100/VT102/VT52 emulator for IBM PC and lookalikes. - editor Enclosed is the latest version of PC-VT and a copy of the documentation. I formatted your diskette double sided, 8 sectors per track (unless it was already formatted) so that either DOS 1.1 or DOS 2.x could read it. If you sent me a single sided diskette, I was not able to get all of the files onto it. PC-VT runs on the PC, the PCjr, and the PC AT under DOS 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, and 3.0. This version (7.6) of PC-VT contains both a Hayes compatible dialer and XMODEM with CRC transfer capability. It supports DOS 2 path names. PC-VT now supports VT52 compatibility mode and ALT-F1 thru ALT-F10 as macro keys. The program itself is named PC-VT.EXE. To run it just type PC-VT in response to the DOS prompt. The documentation file is named PC-VT.DOC and can be copied to any line printer. It does not contain any special formatting commands, it is just straight text. The file PC-VT.SUM is just a short summary of the capabilities of PC-VT. If any files on your distribution disk have a "Q" as the second character of the extension, they must be Unsqueezed with the USQ program. The file PC-VT.CRD is a quick reference card for use with PC-VT. I would like to thank Richard C. Rohrdanz of the Boston Computer Society for his help in creating PC-VT.CRD. I've also enclosed a set of XMODEM programs for the VAX running VMS. They were written by Jim Belonis of the University of Washington. They work. I'll leave it up to you to upload them to the VAX and compile them. Read the file named XMODEM.DOC. These files are combined into a library file named XMODVMS.LBR. You will need the Library Utility (LU.EXE or LAR.EXE) to remove them from the library file. If they have a Q as the second letter of the filetype, they are SQueezed. Use USQ to make them ASCII files. If you could upload PC-VT and the XMODEM programs to your local RBBS, I would appreciate your help. You can upload PC-VT.EXE, PC-VT.SUM, PC-VT.DOC, and the XMODEM files on XMODVMS.LBR. One useful piece of information : The older versions of PC-VT would not pass CTRL-C on to the host computer because the CTRL-C was intercepted by PC-DOS as a program termination command. I have modified this version to have PC-DOS ignore CTRL-C when reading from the keyboard. Now CTRL-C is sent to the host. To terminate PC-VT you can type CTRL-F8 from the communications display or still use CTRL-C from the SETUP, DIALING or MACRO displays. You should have the PC-DOS option BREAK set to OFF or else PC-VT will turn it off. SCRLOCK, the Extended Batch Language, and BACKSCRL are not compatible with PC-VT. SCRLOCK will not work well with DOS 2.0 in any case. A general comment about PC-DOS "appendages": since there is no way that I can try every patch to PC-DOS with PC-VT, if you are having problems, try PC-VT with an unpatched DOS to see what happens. The issue is how long some of the attached programs run with interrupts turned off. The comm line to the host is asynchronous. If PC-VT cannot get back to the RS-232 port before another character comes in, the old character is lost and an overrun error is generated. This type of problem is more apparent at the higher baud rates but will also show up at 1200 baud. I hope that the program is of use to you. I would appreciate any comments which you might have regarding the program or its usefulness. When you write, please indicate the version number of PC-VT which you are using. Sincerely, Mark C. DiVecchio 9067 Hillery Drive San Diego, CA 92126 619-566-6810 ++++++++++++++++++++ [240,003]README.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ This area contains a MSDOS version of DTC for MS fortran-77 V3.13 or later. ++++++++++++++++++++ [300,340]README.TXT +++++++++++++++++++++ ********************************************************************** This UIC contains XLISP, an object oriented LISP dialect with extensions. It was written in DECUS C and has been ported to several systems. ++++++++++++++++++++ [303,100]README.TXT +++++++++++++++++++++ ********************************************************************** THIS UIC([303,100]) CONTAINS XQDRV UTILITY TASKS SOURCE CODE AND THE NECESSARY COMMAND FILES TO BUILD THEM. IF THEY ARE MOVED TO ANOTHER UIC A FEW COMMAND FILES WILL HAVE TO BE EDITED TO CORRECT EMBEDDED UIC'S. ********************************************************************** THIS UIC CONTAINS FILE ACCESS AND DOWN LINE LOAD ROUTINES AS FOLLOWS; LWT LINE WATCHER TASK(RSX11M) PROCESSES CONNECT REQUESTS REMOTE FILE ACCESS DOWN LINE LOAD REQUESTS FLUSHES STALE PACKETS GET LOCAL SYSTEM TIME SET LOCAL SYSTEM TIME ECHO PACKETS FOR TESTING SEND/ACCEPT ID PACKETS GET ERROR STATISTICS GET AND CLEAR ERROR STATISTICS GET LINE STATUS NWT NODE LINE WATCHER TASK(RSX11S) FLUSHES STALE PACKETS GET LOCAL SYSTEM TIME SET LOCAL SYSTEM TIME ECHO PACKETS FOR TESTING SEND/ACCEPT ID PACKETS GET ERROR STATISTICS GET AND CLEAR ERROR STATISTICS GET LINE STATUS NFC NETWORK FILE COPY ALLOWS OPERATOR INTERACTIVE FILE TRANSFERS REMOTE FILE DELETE(NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) REMOTE DIRECTORY(NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) RFA REMOTE FILE ACCESS READS/WRITES FILES(BLOCK MODE) READS/WRITES FILE(SEQUENTIAL MODE NOT CHECHED OUT YET) DELETE FILE(NOT CHECKED OUT YET) DIRECTORY(NOT CHECKED OUT YET) DLT DOWN LINE LOAD TASK LOADS SPECIFIED NODE REQUESTED BY THE REMOTE NODE BOOTQNA PRIMARY LOADER RESIDES IN EPROM IN NODES TO BE DOWN LINE LOADED FALODT ODT/PRIMARY LOADER RESIDES IN EPROM ON FALCON BOARD ALLOWS NORMAL ODT FUNCTIONS PLUS ETHERNET DOWN LINE LOAD CAPIBILITY. BOOEDT DOWN LINE LOADER DATA BASE EDITOR TASK PARSX COMMAND LINE PARSER USED BY NFC ++++++++++++++++++++ [304,001]README.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ Richard Rhoderick, Systems Engineering Branch USEPA Health Effects Research Laboratory /Neurotoxicology Division Mail Drop 74B Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 This account contains several utility command files/programs used to automate or make transparent normal operations and system maintenence. The programs are written primarily in FORTRAN-77. No guarantee is made regarding efficiency or suitability for particular applications. Any sugestions or improvements are gladly welcomed at the above address. Contents of this directory: Single stream batch scheduler: BATCH.CMD - assembly, build, help file BATCH.FTN - command interpreter, user front end BQM.CMD - assembly, build file BQM.FTN - Batch Queue Manager CHKLOG.MAC - check terminal logged on condition SPAWNR.CMD - assembly, build file SPAWNR.FTN - batch job executor RUNBATCH.CMD - assembly, build file RUNBATCH.FTN - disable batch jobs during working hours Disk maintenence and backup processes: ASSIGN.CMD - set up user disks at boot NIGHTLY.CMD - batch job incremental backup of all user disks AUTOBCKUP.CMD - " AUTOBCKUP.DAT - " INITNB0.CMD - " BACKUPSYS.CMD - routine duplication of system packs INITDATE.DAT - " Printer processor (QMG) for XEROX 2700 laser printer X2700.CMD - assembly, build file X2700.FTN - Spooled printer processor X2700FONT.CFG - font configuration definitions RECATR.MAC - file attributes Catchall task for monitor commands (very simple skeleton program) CATCHALL.CMD - assembly, build file CATCHALL.FTN - monitor command reinterpreter/run uninstalled tasks RS/1 public procedures RS1INIT.RPL - set up standard globals, call RS1IND RS1IND.RPL - indirect RS/1 command execution ++++++++++++++++++++ [307,120]README.ALL +++++++++++++++++++++ READMEALL.1ST This collection was originally submitted in FLX format under uic's: [101,2] [101,5] [101,6] [101,7] changed to: [307,122] [307,125] [307,126] [307,127] Any reference to the original uic's within the files has not been updated. BAYLUG Libr. 1-MAR-1985 *============================================================================== Abstract: _________ This submission includes several software packages for use with Applied Information Systems PL/I. The Text Collection Management package can be of general use with a little adaptation for those familiar with DECUS C. It allows a program to invoke a KED-style keypad screen word processor that operates on text in a given arbitrary window on the screen, leaving the rest of the screen undisturbed. This allows implementation of free-form text areas within fixed-format forms managed by FMS. The interface between PL/I and DECUS C is of possible interest to system hackers since it allows PL/I-callable C procedures to be put in a clustered library even though they take arguments on the stack. The PL/I FMS interface is implemented using this mechanism. For more on the contents of each account, refer to the respective README files. Authorization: ______________ Full permission and consent is hereby given to DECUS to reproduce, distribute, and publish, in whole or in part, in any form and without restriction, this software and any information relating thereto. The undersigned hereby warrants and represents that he has good and sufficient right, interest, and title in and to this software and the related information to grant such permission to DECUS. This material is currently in the public domain. Walter Epp, Information Services Department, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan 415-428-2518 5825 Telegraph #51 Oakland, CA 94609 *============================================================================== README.1ST [307,122] TCM: Text Collection Management System In many computer applications there is the need to enter both fixed length information and variable length descriptive text. This is especially true in medical applications where certain information can vary from a single phrase to several pages in length. FMS-11 aids a program in the interactive entry and updating of fixed fields but does not deal well with long text fields. This software package provides an easy to use mechanism for acquiring free form textual data from a CRT that is concurrently being used by FMS. This package allows a program to reserve one or more rectangular areas on the screen for the entry and editing of variable length text fields. Within these windows the user is given full text editing capability in a manner that is compatible with the user FMS interface. The text collection managment system is being implemented in a manner which gives flexibility to an RSX-11M based application with a small impact on the program's address space. This program runs as a separate task under RSX-11M or RSX-11M+. It is written in DECUS C and callable from either AIS-PL/I (tested) or DECUS C (untested). See TCM.DOC for a full description and TCMNOTES.DOC for the current state of this program. The idea of this sub-routine package is to allow any program to use full screen editing or "Windows". Daniel T. Soldahl Medical Methods Research 3151 Piedmont Avenue Oakland, Ca. 94611 *============================== README.1ST [307,125] This account contains a clusterable FMS interface for Applied Information Systems PL/I, using native PL/I variable types (e.g., CHAR, CHAR VARYING). Written in DECUS C, requires the C-to-PL/I interface included in the PLIMMR set of utility routines supplied on this tape on a different account. Walter Epp, 5825 Telegraph #51, Oakland CA 94609 *============================== README.1ST [307,126] This account contains utility routines for Applied Information Systems PL/I, going by the name PLIMMR, from our in-house library. Includes a C-to-PL/I interface, allowing a PL/I program to call procedures written in DECUS C, which can in turn call other C or PL/I procedures. This interface solves the problem of passing arguments on the stack through a cluster call, for the case of AIS PL/I calling C, in a completely transparent manner: the object files of PL/I-callable C procedures can either be linked into a user task or built into a resident library; such a library can be simultaneously accessed by some users mapping directly as a resident library, by others accessing it as the first library of a cluster, and by others still as the middle library of a cluster. The I/O runtimes have also been reconciled, so you can do I/O both from PL/I using its native I/O statements and from C using its standard I/O library calls. Walter Epp, 5825 Telegraph #51, Oakland CA 94609 *============================== README.1ST [307,127] This account contains a debugger for Applied Information Systems PL/I. IT IS SUPPLIED ON A STRICTLY AS-IS BASIS. Walter Epp, 5825 Telegraph #51, Oakland CA 94609 ++++++++++++++++++++ [307,122]README.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ TCM: Text Collection Management System In many computer applications there is the need to enter both fixed length information and variable length descriptive text. This is especially true in medical applications where certain information can vary from a single phrase to several pages in length. FMS-11 aids a program in the interactive entry and updating of fixed fields but does not deal well with long text fields. This software package provides an easy to use mechanism for acquiring free form textual data from a CRT that is concurrently being used by FMS. This package allows a program to reserve one or more rectangular areas on the screen for the entry and editing of variable length text fields. Within these windows the user is given full text editing capability in a manner that is compatible with the user FMS interface. The text collection managment system is being implemented in a manner which gives flexibility to an RSX-11M based application with a small impact on the program's address space. This program runs as a separate task under RSX-11M or RSX-11M+. It is written in DECUS C and callable from either AIS-PL/I (tested) or DECUS C (untested). See TCM.DOC for a full description and TCMNOTES.DOC for the current state of this program. The idea of this sub-routine package is to allow any program to use full screen editing or "Windows". Daniel T. Soldahl Medical Methods Research 3151 Piedmont Avenue Oakland, Ca. 94611 ++++++++++++++++++++ [307,125]README.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ This account contains a clusterable FMS interface for Applied Information Systems PL/I, using native PL/I variable types (e.g., CHAR, CHAR VARYING). Written in DECUS C, requires the C-to-PL/I interface included in the PLIMMR set of utility routines supplied on this tape on a different account. Walter Epp, 5825 Telegraph #51, Oakland CA 94609 ++++++++++++++++++++ [307,126]README.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ This account contains utility routines for Applied Information Systems PL/I, going by the name PLIMMR, from our in-house library. Includes a C-to-PL/I interface, allowing a PL/I program to call procedures written in DECUS C, which can in turn call other C or PL/I procedures. This interface solves the problem of passing arguments on the stack through a cluster call, for the case of AIS PL/I calling C, in a completely transparent manner: the object files of PL/I-callable C procedures can either be linked into a user task or built into a resident library; such a library can be simultaneously accessed by some users mapping directly as a resident library, by others accessing it as the first library of a cluster, and by others still as the middle library of a cluster. The I/O runtimes have also been reconciled, so you can do I/O both from PL/I using its native I/O statements and from C using its standard I/O library calls. Walter Epp, 5825 Telegraph #51, Oakland CA 94609 415-428-2518 ++++++++++++++++++++ [307,127]README.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ This account contains a debugger for Applied Information Systems PL/I. IT IS SUPPLIED ON A STRICTLY AS-IS BASIS. Walter Epp, 5825 Telegraph #51, Oakland CA 94609 ++++++++++++++++++++ [312,314]README.DOC +++++++++++++++++++++ This is the First page of B_BASE Instructions. This program is a small DATABASE program designed to store and retrieve information of a relative simple nature. Facilities to manage this information are MENU oriented and for the most part self-explanatory. There is ENTER DATA, UPDATE DATA (to change or modify), DELETE a RECORD (to delete a RECORD), SEARCH (to find a specific RECORD), PRINT a REPORT (to the default DIRECTORY or to the attached PRINTER), SCREEN REPORT (prints the REPORT to the SCREEN), LIST ALL DATA (displays all DATA in the file with RECORD and FIELD numbers), SORT (a general purpose SORT of the FILE by FIELD name), and EXIT (to quit). This program is designed to work on relatively small data the maximum number of RECORDS is 1000 with a maximum number of FIELDS being 20. This can be increased depending upon available disk/diskette storage space. The program was written with the begining user in mind, and performs the same on VAX VMS, PDP-11 RSX-11M, or PRO-350 P/OS. The Program produces and works from two (2) files; filename.BBS -- A sequential file containing FILE information. & filename.BBD -- A VIRTUTAL file containing the actual data. The filename is a filename that you provide. The Program CAN also produce a sequential file REPORT; filename.DOC -- A REPORT file containing data in the selected REPORT format. If you have any further questions, Please contact: Randy Jordan Black & Veatch Computer Services Department 11401 Lamar Ave. Overland Park, Kansas 66211 (913) 967-2544 ++++++++++++++++++++ [312,315]AAAREADME.TXT +++++++++++++++++++++ This area contains various utilities of general interest. Any files of type .LZC have been compressed with LZCOMPRS which is elsewhere on this tape. These are text files (and code source) and may be reconstructed without the -B option of LZDECOMP. The new DDT is of particular interest for RSX and POS users, as it now can help find out how you got to a weird place in your code after something has messed the stack up. The new options should have been there years ago but better late than never. The BGL2*.* programs draw very pretty banners on your printer. The BGL2.FTN is actually for VAX native mode; edit the TT: to TI: to convert for RSX. It runs WELL on both systems (must be compiled with /I4 and /NOF77 for both). The BGL2PC.FOR is an 8088 version for MSDOS using Microsoft Fortran (V3.2 or thereabouts) to compile. We use the banners for birthday parties, or other random celebrations. Most printable ASCII can be handled. gce Also in this area is a program not by me called FIGEDT which allows figure editing with text on an ordinary VT100. You can draw lines or boxes, fill in text, center text, insert text files, and so on. It works in VMS V3 or V4 and allows speedy creation or edit of character graphics charts. The .OBJ file is supplied for those who don't have VMS Pascal; just link/nomap figedt to get the .EXE. ++++++++++++++++++++ [312,315]README.TXT +++++++++++++++++++++ G. Everhart submissions for Spring 1985 The following are offered for your amusement or use: 1. in [312,366], [312,370], several versions of DTC. These have been somewhat debugged and new features added. In particular the [312,370] is an entirely new revision with many enhancements by C. Garman of RCA MSR. A few features were left out of his version however, so it does not replace all existing ones. A new version for 8088 has been supplied also. This is a really nifty desktop calendar that keeps getting nicer as more features are added. The new version is also MUCH faster than the original one, though it is designed for Vax only. The 8088 DTC is in [240,3]. 2. In [312,315] are a few handy items from various places. These include a revision of the DDT symbolic (Pdp11) debugger with some features to permit back tracing where a program came from to get to an error. It is quite useful on VAX or RSX as a symbolic image examine/patch utility also. The ATT program (which reads or alters file attributes in place) and the BIGTPC fast tape to disk to tape copy utility are supplied. A version of DUMPER.C (to read TOPS-20 DUMPER tapes on VMS) is supplied. Also the LISTRS multicolumn lister, and CB.C, another BBS utility to "beautify" C code. 3. In [312,371] is the latest PDP11, PRO 350, and VAX version of AnalytiCalc with VAX support for DTR-32 (see DTRIF.DOC for further info on how it works). DTR-32 is NOT required, and a version can be built not using it if desired. Some code speedups and other random novelties have been added too, including ability to generate very wide output reports (up to 512 characters, probably wider than YOUR printer). 4. In [312,345] is the lastes VAX spreadsheet that does not use DTR (actually, on VMS you can pick the one here or the one in [312,371]. The one here is a bit faster but uses more memory. The one in [312,371] uses less memory but is a bit slower. It can however access DTR-32. Try both and compare, then choose. All documents are here, plus income tax templates, a management system template for predicting manpower needs with several jobs, and a Business Expense Report template (to help you write up expenses for DECUS symposia and the like) with all the numbers at your fingertips. 5. In [312,320] is a DBMS for RT11 with some necessary hooks to convert to RSX (including VAX/RSX) or P/OS. 6. In [312,317] is a new squeeze/unsqueeze system that is far superior to SQ/USQ, works on binary files (at least, on .EXE files) as well as text, and compiles in DECUS C or VAX11 C thanks to M. Minow. There are some sources for LAR (a utility to read CP/M or MSDOS LU libraries or write them) and a dialect of LOGO, both done for un*x originally and awaiting conversion to RSX or VMS. LAR is actually pretty close as it stands and will list directories of libraries now in VMS. G. Everhart May, 1985 ++++++++++++++++++++ [312,317]AAAREADME.TXT +++++++++++++++++++++ This area contains a few files downloaded from a BBS of interest to VMS systems. LAR.C and docs are a utility to handle CP/M and MSDOS LU-formatted "library" files. The program is not quite right under VAX11C but is pretty close and is presented in case it is needed badly enough for someone else to fix up first. LZ*.* is a super compressor-expander which will compile with either VAX11C or DECUS C thanks to Martin Minow who deserves all the credit for it. It generates noticeably smaller compressed files than does SQ and, if run with the -B flag at runtime, will correctly handle binary files. I have tested it one some .EXE images and on some text files; original input was correctly regenerated in both cases. This compression scheme is said to be compatible with the un*x "compress" utility. It should be VERY handy for moving files across networks, especially if they contain repetitive patterns. The algorithm used Huffman codes strings, not bytes, so can achieve much better results than byte-oriented methods, and with considerable speed. The subdirectory .LOGO contains a UN*X based subset LOGO in C. It's also presented in case someone wants to clean it up for use on VMS in his/her copious spare time (while waiting for V4 compatible layered products that work to arrive?) ++++++++++++++++++++ [312,345]AAAREADME.TXT +++++++++++++++++++++ PortaCalc This file is VAX build notes: For VAX PortaCalc use the @compilvmx procedure in this account. For RSX, use the [312,371] account and edit to make a suitable compile file. Then make needed libraries and build with PCCNAT.CMD and PCCNAT.ODL. Inspect PCCNAT.ODL to see what object files to make libraries out of. For PRO 350, use PCCPRO.COM or a mod to compile, then build with PCCNAT.* again as in RSX (do it on the PRO). The PCCMAKI.COM file in [312,371] is to build the VAX variant of that form of PortaCalc. This version may need your VIRTUALPAGECNT sysgen parameter to be increased (perhaps to 20000) to link. Do so if you need to. ALWAYS BUILD FROM SOURCE IF POSSIBLE. For those with Fortran, the COMPILVMX.COM file builds these files from source. You can edit the HVKLUGPR5.FTN file first ( copies it to vklugprm.ftn for inclusion in the compiles) to set your max sheet sizes if the ones supplied are too small. The maxima possible then are large enough you are very unlikely to need to go into sources to edit them. Look over the READMEs before doing your build please!!!!!!!!! The file PortaCalc.rno can become a VAX help library and be integrated with your system help if desired. The graphics utility is described separately in PCG.DOC and there is a file called KEYPAD.DOC in the distribution which describes various files of PortaCalc commands which implement auxiliary keypad functions. It should be edited to reflect any system default changes if these features are to be generally used. Note that if CMDMUN.FOR is compiled with the /debug qualifier, these files reside on device DK:, which may be ASSIGN/USER'd to a particular system area prior to running the local PortaCalc version. The PortaCalc.rno file must be passed through Runoff (possibly DECUS runoff as opposed to DSR) to convert it to a VAX help file format. It is designed to fit on 2 columns (using the LISTRS program to reformat it, available in various places in the DECUS library including 11-SP-6), but can fit on other sizes output with a little editing. Column size of less than 60 characters may fail in some places. I now have an 8088 version of this program. It sells for $49.95/copy on IBM PC DSDD disks, and needs 256K RAM. There's a $5 s/h charge also, and NJ residents must add 6% sales tax. Order by writing Glenn Everhart, 409 High St. Mt. Holly NJ 08060 and ask for General Engineering ANALYTICALC-88 giving your name, address, and enclosing payment. I can't handle credit cards. Specify whether you need the 256K version or the 320K version. The latter is not overlaid and includes logical naming for cells. The 256K version does not have the cell naming. Non PCDOS machines may need more memory and if their screen output calls are not via PCDOS like commands and/or their ANSI cursor controls are broken, the program may be unusable. However the techniques I used work on machines like Tandy 2000 as well as IBM PC and Rainbow so I believe the non IBM PC flavors will work most times. Glenn Everhart 6/14/1983 Additional note: 8/18/83 This version of PortaCalc has 2 VAX versions of interest. The older one uses a random access workfile to hold formulas, and may be used where the workfile provides insurance against crashes or other faults. Since this is a burden on some sites with tight disk quotas, a second version, here called PortaCalc-VM, is provided for VAX only. It is built by running the COMPILVMX.COM procedure (possibly after edits to HVKLUGPRM.FTN) and it uses a memory array to hold formulas. The WRKFIL.F4 source of the routine that handles this array is pretty crude and could easily be adapted to keep better track of which array elements are in use, but it works reliably. In this version, the S command allows resetting title and default format specification, but does not modify the data. The ZA command clears data out of the array (virtually; actually, it only zeroes the bitmap), and the X and XD commands are identical. The VM version of PortaCalc does not ask any questions about workfile names (since there are none). Since VMS will treat the big array as demand-zero pages, it normally will hit only those you use, so a large sheet is not a major liability. If it won't link on your system, you may need to increase the VIRTUALPAGCNT (I think) parameter; the default of 8192 is too small for some versions. Boost to 20,000 or so while doing your links. We leave ours at 60,000. PDP11 users will find a PortaCalc that uses VERY much smaller workfiles in the [312,371] area on RSX SIG tapes. No total build file exists for RSX at my site (though a file to build in compat mode on VMS is supplied, with working ODL), but it should be pretty clear what to do from the compat mode file that IS supplied. The current version supports a 10,000 cell array on PDP11 with NO special bells & whistles like I/D space or virtual arrays. If you can use virtual arrays or I/D space you should be able to reduce the complexity of the overlay structure and substantially speed the program up. Use PCCNAT.CMD and .ODL for build in [312,371] and modify PCCPDP.COM to compile everything for RSX. For POS use PCCPRON.COM as your compile guide; minor edits are all you should need. ++++++++++++++++++++ [312,345]AAAREADME.V4 +++++++++++++++++++++ VMS V4.X Considerations To run PortaCalc (AnalytiCalc) under VMS V4, you need to ensure the terminal you're using is set to NOT have command line editing during the run, so that arrow keys will go to the program rather than being intercepted by the terminal driver. Just use the DCL command to set terminal/noline to allow things to work correctly. This is all the change that should be needed. ++++++++++++++++++++ [312,347]AAAREADME.TXT +++++++++++++++++++++ This area contains CPMRSX which will allow one to read/write CP/M format 8" floppies on RSX (or VMS). It also contains sources for a CP/M emulator (needs an 8" disk cp/m system to use) from the DECUS Australia 1982 tape. Given a CP/M system and these utilities you may be able to build yourself a complete CP/M emulator and run 8080 software on a VAX. Anyone who wants to clean the emulator up and make it easier to move or who wants to add Z80 opcodes is invited to do so. The original Australian readme follows: This is distributed on the basis of people who use it return their improvements. We would like Z80 emulation. CPM8080.MAR is really a general emulator. INs and OUTs trap to subroutines that have to be supplied. For CPM IN is used to do all the CBIOS functions. To use it first get a CPM license from Digital Research. Add in the VBIOS provided. Copy the floppy to a RMS disk file using the FLOPPY program. Now give that as DISK A when you start up the CPM program. The CPM program itself contains no proprietary software - it is not much use without a CPM disk! ++++++++++++++++++++ [312,350]README. +++++++++++++++++++++ Unix Logo Interpreter Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School ----- This is release 3 of Unix Logo. Release 1 was the one on the first 1982 Usenix tape. Release 2 was sent by me (BH) directly to only a few sites. This release is much like release 2 in capabilities and syntax, but has been rearranged internally somewhat to make the process of installation on a new system a bit easier. One major new feature in release 3 is the pause facility, which allows interactive debugging in the local context of an error. More on this below. I would like to thank Don Martin and his students at the College of Marin, who have found huge numbers of obscure bugs in Logo and therefore helped make this release much more reliable than it would otherwise have been. If you have questions about this Logo, there are two places to write for help. On the east coast, try Computer Department Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School 390 Lincoln Road Sudbury, MA 01776 On the west coast, try Brian Harvey 2456 Hilgard Av #406 Berkeley, CA 94709 ++++++++++++++++++++ [312,366]README.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ DTC - The Desk Top Calender Mitch Wyle December 1982 Version 1: REVISED BY GCE The idea here is to automate an appointment calender. Most appointment calenders give only one of Month-At-A-Glance, Week-At-A-Glance, or Day-At-A-Glance. DTC is an attempt to give all of these functions in a paperless, fast, menu-driven format. This release has had considerable work done to it to make it a more general tool. See the addendum for the extras. Among the features I would like to see added: - Year-At-A-Glance in 132 column mode with two rows of six months each - Menu option(s) to print out appointments, in day, week, month format - Support for non VT-100 terminals (general cursor positioning calls) DTC is one of a number of Paperless Office programs I have been developing for two years. Other related programs are an on-line telephone directory, an electronic mail system, an automatic "While You Were Out" message taker which spawns mail directives, Memo and Form letter templates and programs, and software tools for writers in a business environment. Mitchell F. Wyle Revision 1: Glenn C. Everhart I have added a few extras to the program to make it more usable and fix a few small bugs. The following has been done: * Date bugs in displaying weeks at the beginnings of months are fixed. * The E in Evening now is a pseudo time and gets displayed as 17:00 on the weekly summary. You can enter evening appointments using the D command with E for time. (EV works OK too.) * Most commands are accepted in lower case or upper case. * Commands T (Today), R (Reminder), and C (Calendar) correspond to Day, Week, and Month exactly but cause DTC to exit after they are executed. This permits them to be used from MCR with instant exit, thus to be placed into login.cmd files for an "auto reminder" service. * Time ranges may be input (so long as it is done with no format errors) in the form hh:mm>h2:m2 (e.g. 09:00>15:30) which will replicate the appointment part of the line into DTC.DAT over the indicated range. * Purge of old appointments (clear out appointments from before a given date, defaulting to today) * Reverse display of week/month times permitting FREE times to be found and displayed rather than occupied ones (potentially for a group of people) * A second level of data files, permitting an appointment file to contain pointers (1 level deep) to other files which can be searched as well as the first * Multiple appointment files, changeable on command (permitting "private" appointment calendars) * Scheduling of appointments in multiple files (useful for setting up meetings or maintaining multiple files) * Lookup for free times of length n * 30 minutes (where n is any number in the range 1 to 18) over a week period; display of times is made in Week format. Valid start times for meetings of given lengths are shown. New commands: P [mmddyy] - Removes all appointments from current calendar file whose date is BEFORE the date specified. If no date is specified, today's is assumed. N(command) (for example NW [mmddyy] ) - Displays FREE time instead of scheduled time in week or month formats. Not deemed useful for Day format, so left out there. F filename - Closes current calendar file (defaults to DTC.DAT initially) and opens filename instead S [mmddyy hh:mm[>hh:mm]] appointment/meeting - Schedules appointment /meeting at the given time. If current calendar file contains pointers to other files (see below; year=99 and appointment part has 'filename=' in it) then each of those gets a notice of the appointment or meeting added to it as well as the current calendar. Otherwise only the current calendar file is updated in the D format. L [mmddyy] nn - Locate a period of nn half-hours in the week containing mmddyy. Displays the free time in week format. Used to schedule meetings. nn must be 01 thru 18 and is clamped to this range POINTERS in CALENDAR FILES The calendar file format is sequential records of the format: YYMMDDTTTappointment text of 60 characters length in which every record has this form, and the time TTT is in the range (for correct files) of 080 through 170 (for 08:00 through 17:00). The third digit is always either 3 or 0 as well, since DTC only schedules half hour periods. Indirection is accomplished by editing your calendar file (with any editor) or just entering an "appointment" for year 99 (by which time somebody should have hacked some more on this to fix it up not to mess up real appointments). The text of the "appointment" should be just filespec=, with the = sign as the terminator of the file spec. This will lead to the file you specified being opened and treated as if it existed inside your own calendar file (except you need to use the S function rather than the D function to enter appointments in it as well as your own.) CAVEATS: DTC is a bit touchy about illegal inputs. Be sure you input the mmddyy in the format given (i.e. July 4, 1983 is entered as just "070483", NOT as "7/4/83" or "7483" or anything else. If DTC seems to generate weird displays, edit DTC.DAT (or whatever else is your calendar file) and remove or edit lines in which the date or time are in illegal format. To use DTC, you need to create an empty DTC.DAT file first (and also any other calendar files you expect to need.) The simplest way to do this in RSX is to use the command PIP DTC.DAT=NL: and in VMS MCR PIP DTC.DAT=NL: but any method will do, including using an editor to set it up. Don't be alarmed about occasional open file errors; most have been fixed but just re-run DTC if any still show up; they don't corrupt your calendar file. I haven't seen any for awhile, so don't think many (if any) remain, but I could have missed a spot where a redundant close is needed. You may fix if need be. ++++++++++++++++++++ [312,370]AAAREADME.TXT +++++++++++++++++++++ This area has a newer DTC from C. Garman of RCA MSR. Compile with DTCI4.COM and link with DTCLK.COM. Try it; it has many features not present in the older one. In particular meeting scheduling and instant queries of your schedule are much easier with this than with older versions. Also the display is much faster and more readable. ++++++++++++++++++++ [312,371]README.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ This area contains code for a PortaCalc version which will operate in very small environments by using bitmaps, etc., for storage. The WRKFIL and WRKSHT routines are called whenever the work file was accessed or VBLS, FVLD, or TYPE are called. Note that to gain space, the multiple precision integers are reduced to 20 characters' length from 100. NOTE: THERE IS ONE DIFFERENCE IN PROGRAM USE SYNTAX BETWEEN THIS VERSION AND OTHER PORTACALC VERSIONS: The command R (recalculate) in this version recalculates the sheet, but does NOT force recalculation of constants. The command RF recalculates and DOES FORCE recalculation of constants (and the command RR is a synonym for RF). RF can be read as "recalculate, force". In the OTHER versions, R forces recalculation of constants, and RAF recalculates everything except constants. Note that RAF in this version works as it does in others; bare R however has changed. Otherwise this version has the capabilities of the full VAX versions, except the *U XQTCM function is not available (and will not be until a larger machine that permits major mods to the overlay structure is available.) THIS PROGRAM IS NOW THE PREFERRED PORTACALC FOR PDP11 MACHINES AND FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENT. The command files ending in "NAT" were set up to build a PDP11 .TSK image for RSX under VMS with the RSX TKB task. For RSX, edit PCCPDP.COM into a .CMD file (take out $ signs and be sure device defaults etc. are OK) and verify that the FCS11M.ODL reflects your F77 installation (or fix it up with the F4P flavor if using F4P); then build. The task WILL FIT on a PDP11 if F77 is used. If you use F4P, be SURE the FCS11M.ODL reflects the F4P OTS so addresses won't overflow. The capacity is around 16,000 cells on RSX (edit PVKLUGPRM.FOR to change how they are assigned in rows and cols). If you have the ability to use virtual arrays and/or I/D space, or FCSFSL (you M+ jocks know what that is), DO SO and reduce the complexity of the overlay structure. It probably won't fit flat, but every simplification speeds up the program. You can also increase the in memory array sizes with I/D space or FCSFSL (supervisor mode FCS) if your machine allows. Again, the parameter file controls this. RSX BUILD: Use PCCPDP.COM as a compile template for PDP11 RSX, or PCCPRON.COM for PRO 350. Then link using PCCNAT.CMD (and pccnat.odl). This assumes the F77 compiler is installed as ...F4P. Note that FCS11M.ODL needs to be adjusted to YOUR version of the F77 compiler. A couple minor changes to the OPEN statements will be needed for old F4P but otherwise all should run OK. The compiler will complain about the differences if you have F4P; that'll show you what to alter. PCCPDPOLD.COM is a somewhat older PDP11 build file. Tweak the stack size and/or the sheet size in pvklugprm.for to shrink if needed. Be sure to build against the FCS flavor Fortran library and that your SYSLIB does NOT have the ANSI magtape support routines included for size reasons. If you run RSX11M+ and can use I/D space and supervisor mode, edit the ODL file to flatten it somewhat and also include the line SUPLIB=FCSFSL:SV in your taskbuild and throw away the FCS overlays. That'll gain you a lot of space. You need to link with the /ID qualifier then and BE SURE your F77 compiler has the necessary patch (done in linking the F77 image). The patch is something like GBLPAT=FORTRAN:DSPACE:1 and DEC leaves it out because their debugger won't handle I/D space. Use DDT which is free and WILL handle I/D space and put the patch in, and forget F77-debug, which does little or nothing more than DDT does anyhow, and has the abovementioned restriction (and takes more space in your task to debug it than DDT). DDT is available as DECUS #11-SP-6 or in the 11-SP-47 distribution. VAX USERS: The PCCMAKIV.COM file builds a fairly respectable VAX version of this program which uses less virtual address space than the "standard" one. It does use memory arrays instead of files, but uses formula memory more efficiently. I have begun putting the hooks for a Datatrieve interface into it, which is not fully defined yet. However, the idea will be that a command of the form DTR command will be stripped of the "DTR" and passed to Datatrieve (so you can ready domains and the like), and some functions of syntactic form *U DBxxxx will generate calls (from inside any cell) to return values or text from Datatrieve. This will allow you to avoid the present method of creating sequential files (possibly from DTR) and then using the *Q class commands to extract formulas or values from them; you'll be able to grab the formulas direct. These functions will be isolated into a set of separate routines to make it easier to replace the DTR interface with one of your choice should you so desire. We need it at my site, so I expect to get it done sometime in the next 6 months or so; depends on timing of other things at the office... (as usual). I want to retain the ability to expand the number of cells greatly, so I will update this version rather than another. The "standard" VAX version uses much more space because it uses 128 bytes per formula entry accessed. This will quickly run out of room (even on a VAX) if the number of cells increases by an order of magnitude or two. The version here will not so easily run out, since it does not require memory for every cell. Nevertheless, the parameters set up by default here (i.e., unless you edit BVKLUGPR5.FOR) allocate memory for 4 formula nibbles (12 characters each) per cell. 8 bytes per cell for values are also used, but this will not cause trouble on a VAX even with much larger sheets, and the bitmaps will cause no trouble either. You can run out of space on this version, but only if you have an average of over 48 characters in every cell addressable. This is unlikely except in the most extreme cases. If it happens, edit BVKLUGPR5.FOR and increase some of the parameters to get more room. LPDM and LPDMF are the ones to raise. THE PCCMAKIVD.COM file for VAX users has all the above features PLUS a DTR 32 interface. See DTRIF.DOC for the DTR calls. Only this version of VAX AnalytiCalc has a DTR interface. A small speedup in calculations has been added since the 84B SIG tapes also for both the PDP11 and VAX versions. This is done by keeping track of whether any D#col#row cell forms have been used. If not, some time can be saved (and now is) by not looking for each cell's display coordinate during recalculation. If anyone out there is using this program, I appreciate hearing about it. Usually I hear about troubles, but appreciate hearing that it was used for something. I'd also like to encourage anyone who develops templates to this spreadsheet to submit them to the VAX and RSX SIG tapes so they can be shared by others. I get very little feedback from DECUS about who (if anyone) is ordering the Library version of this program, and very little from users. If you use it, let me know. Thanks. By the way, please note the "announce.mnt" file in the main documentation directory announcing my (extremely cheap but not free) IBM PC or general MSDOS version of PortaCalc, called AnalytiCalc. It is descended from this version too. Glenn Everhart 409 High St. Mt. Holly NJ 08060 This code works on VAX and runs in either native or compatibility mode. It has been tried on RSX and looked OK (the build files may be deduced from the VAX compat mode ones here) but was better tested on VMS. It IS designed with ALL the capabilities of the VAX version except the execution of commands from inside cells of forms like CA, CR, etc. etc. and may be interesting for that reason. It provides the largest PDP11 spreadsheet of any PortaCalc version (around 10,000 cells fit; more may be possible) and should be useful for that reason. Please send any versions you bring up as working back to me in source, regardless of what machine they run on. In return I may get you my latest mods and bug fixes. Glenn Everhart 409 High St Mt. Holly, NJ 08060 Note that some displays will appear to zero various displayed numbers. An extra V (View) command will draw the display correctly if this happens. The CR command is known to do this. The memory storage is small and backs up to disk files during operation. The sizes are asked for at startup, and if they overflow, (i.e., a PAGE fills), a message is given on screen. If the sizes (in K bytes) for the files are given NEGATIVE, then a different packing algorithm is used which requires more page swaps, but may allow less dense use of the page file and permit the same size disk files to handle more active cells. The trade-off is speed. The sizes of memory areas are compiler parameters. The file present is fairly conservative but may be made smaller still. LVBF should be at least 50, and LFM at least 32, for things to make sense. The files are NOT opened or used if the memory storage sizes on file are less than the in-memory storage provided. Entering a size of 1 will ensure only memory is used. Entering a 0 will pick a default file size. This is the first version of PortaCalc which plays the same dirty trick on you as commercial spread sheets. That is, you have a fairly huge matrix, but can't fill in all of it without overflow. However, by specifying a large enough file for variables and for formulae, you can always get things to fit. The Best things in life are free! PORTACALC (alias AnalytiCalc) ++++++++++++++++++++ [312,374]README.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ This area is a contribution by Larry Finger of 2801 Upton St. NW Washington, DC 20008 This area contains PortaCalc input files to allow you to do your US Federal Income Tax in Portacalc. The rate tables are for the 1984 tax year and need to be edited for the 1985 rates now that we have rate indexing. ++++++++++++++++++++ [312,375]README.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ PortaCalc object files for VMS CAVEAT: If you can possibly recompile from source on VAX, DO SO. Only use these if you have no Fortran to compile with. The general technique for making an .exe is LIBR/EXTR=*/OUT=name.OBJ name.OLB LINK/NOMAP name Ignore error warnings. PCCVM is for VT100 with AVO (works on normal ones too) PCCCS is colorscan 10 (Datamedia) terminal. PCCX is VT100 with AVO but is the PCCPC flavor of portacalc for VAX. PCGRAF is the graphics package. ++++++++++++++++++++ [312,376]README.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ Keypad Macros for AnalytiCalc This area contains files for the auxiliary keypad of AnalytiCalc (PortaCalc). They should be moved to an area globally assigned as DK: (a single directory small virtual disk in RSX or a directory in VMS). They are written short and small and are NOT commented since comments would slow them down. Do not attempt to learn PortaCalc command language from them. The KEYPAD.DOC file contains information on the % construct herein, and the PortaCalc manual has further information about how to write command files. Please don't let these be the first command files you read. Do however use them if desired. Once they are moved, you may want to rename KEYPADCS.PIC to KEYPAD.PIC to support terminals with advanced video and/or color. If you are using a VT52, leave KEYPAD.PIC alone. These files will work with either PortaCalc-VM (build from COMPILVMX.COM and similar files on VAX), or PortaCalc-PC (build with PCCMAK.COM on VAX or modify PCCPDP.COM to build for PDP11; it's in another directory.) The other set of keypad files is in the main directory and does not use a "gold key" style keypad interaction. These do, and attempt to put the text "Gold 1" at the upper right part of the screen when the GOLD key (PF1) is pressed. Other keypad commands turn this off, but note that the "gold" condition is cleared by cursor keys or the PF2 key without erasing this text, so treat the text with a grain of salt. ++++++++++++++++++++ [321,001]README.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ ; James A.McGlinchey ; Software Engineering Consultant ; Post Office Box 451 ; Warrington, PA 18976 ; (215) 348-7261 ; ; ; Spring 1985 DECUS RSX SIG Tape Submission: ; ; ; [321,1]SUPERMAC - Structured Programming ; Macros for MACRO-11 ; ; [321,2] - Skeleton Device Drivers for ; RSX-11M, RSX-11M-PLUS ; ++++++++++++++++++++ [321,002]README.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ ; James A.McGlinchey ; Software Engineering Consultant ; Post Office Box 451 ; Warrington, PA 18976 ; (215) 348-7261 ; ; ; Spring 1985 DECUS RSX SIG Tape Submission: ; ; ; [321,1]SUPERMAC - Structured Programming ; Macros for MACRO-11 ; ; [321,2] - Skeleton Device Drivers for ; RSX-11M, RSX-11M-PLUS ; ++++++++++++++++++++ [321,003]README.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ TAR(Tape Archive & Retrieval) This directory contains all files necessary to build TAR, an RSX utility to manipulate UNIX TAR floppy volumes, either in normal UNIX for- mat or in Tektronix TNIX(8560) format. For further information on the capa- bilities of this utility, consult TAR.DOC in this directory. This software is and remains the property of SSG and no rights or privileges other than those stated herein are granted to the user. This software is being contributed to the DECUS RSX/SIG free of charge and warranty. The user, in accepting this software, understands that it is delivered "as is". SSG accepts no responsibility for its performance. SSG grants to the DECUS RSX/SIG and to the user a license to use and modify this software subject to the conditions listed below. The user, in ac- cepting this software, agrees to the conditions listed below. Conditions 1) The user may use and/or modify this software at his own risk. 2) The user may redistribute this software at his discretion provided that it is redistributed under the same terms and conditions under which it was obtained, i.e., free of charge and warranty, and provided that the SSG copyright notice is included in all such redistributions as well as an indication that the source is the DECUS RSX/SIG. TAR has been implemented in the SSG version of SUPERMAC, SCAT-11. Since no attempt has been made by SSG to ensure compatability between SCAT-11 and SUPERMAC, this program may not assemble with the versions of SUPERMAC available through the RSX/SIG. For this reason, a pre-assembled library of modules has been included, TAR.OLB. Also supplied is an RSX-11M v3.2 task image of TAR along with documentation and command files. If you care to assemble the sources, change all references to SCAT11 in the sources to the appropriate SUPERMAC invocation, SMACIT. SSG (Art Gaughan) Box #1595 North Wales, PA 19454 USA (215) 699-9658 Release 2 This version of TAR has been modified so that: 1. It will assemble and run correctly with the supplied version of SUPERMAC, and 2. It works with RX50 drives that are mounted foreign (e.g., by the supplied UTIL program). It is useful for communicating with VENIX or ULTRIX systems using RX50 media since they typically do not have magtape. A sample command sequence to use the utility might be something like the following (comments after the ";" characters are not typed, only narrative): INSTALL UTIL INSTALL TAR ;INSTALL the two utilities ; physically place your blank RX50 in DZ1: .UTIL FOR DZ1: ;mount the DZ: unit foreign .TAR DZ1:/INIT ;initialize it as a UNIX volume .TAR DZ1:=file1.typ ;copy file1.typ onto it .TAR DZ1:=FILE2.TYP ;copy file2.typ onto it too .TAR DZ1:/LIST ;list the floppy directory to see it's there. ; to go the other way omit the /INIT and use a command like: .TAR =DZ1:file1.typ ;to get the file to RSX from TAR format. modified by Glenn C. Everhart 3/26/1985 ++++++++++++++++++++ [332,012]AAAREADME.TXT +++++++++++++++++++++ BONNER LAB RUNOFF Page 1 AUTHOR: ------- John Clement Bonner Nuclear Lab Rice University Box 1892 Houston Tx, 77251 (713) 527-4018 ABSTRACT Bonner Lab Runoff (RNO) Bonner Lab Runoff is a text formatter which when used with your favorite editor makes a complete word processor. Its syntax is almost a complete emulation of DSR (Digital Standard Runoff) and it is very compatible with previous versions of Runoff. The document and help file for this version can also be used for DSR. The intent of this program is to support com- plete scientific word processing to produce publication quality output. It has been used to produce thesis, progress reports, and scientific pa- pers here at Rice University. This version allows complete control of any special printer available via user definable escape sequences. In addition a macro facility allows text or sequences of commands to be abbreviated to a single label. If the printer has the correct features then variable spacing,subscripting, superscripting, and equation formatting are possible. By properly defin- ing escape sequences the user may support different printers in a tran- sparent fashion. In other words the same input text will print in identical fashion on different printers with different control codes and escape sequences. Table of contents, indexing and sub-indexing are all supported. Multiple table of contents or multiple indexing may be constructed from the avail- able commands. A variety of LAYOUT and STYLE commands may completely change the look of the pages. Table layout is simplified by right justi- fied and 'decimal' justified tabs. Permanent margins which apply to the page headers are available. These simplify the setting of header and text margins. All special characters are redefinable. The user may define new com- mands, and text macros. By defining commands you can make it resemble other text formatters, or other verstions of RUNOFF. You may define numeric symbols facilitate constructing lists of arbitrary items. These allow page and section references. A 2 pass option allows forward refer- ences to symbols defined later in the text. This runs under VMS, RSX, IAS, RT11, TSX, and probably RSTS. It should run on a PRO with no modifacations. RNO occupies a minimum of 30 to 37 kbytes depending on the operating system. Distribution This distribution contains all files necessary for building RNO for any supported operating systems. Nearly All file names are 6 characters or less to acommodate all operating systems. Once you have built the exe- cutable image, you can use it to generate documentation and help files for your operating system. Several files are included to document this version. Instructions for building the program are in the BUILD.DOC file. Bugs that have been fixed are in RNOBUG.DOC. The latest enhance- ments are in CHANGE.DOC. The VMS distribution contains RNO.EXE, but all other users must build RNO. The full document (RUNOFF.DOC) is not dis- tributed on small (floppy) kits, but it is included with mag tape kits. ++++++++++++++++++++ [350,050]README.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ [350,50] Submission from B. Z. Lederman How Fast is your CPU? A set of programs which will measure CPU instruction execution speed, with test results for the PDP-11/70, PDP-11/84 and PRO-350, and a description of how the tests work. Also, a preliminary version of a speed test for the VAX. Sort-11 V3.0: a set of articles on how it compares with V2.0, and instructions on how to get it to run faster by building it linked to RMS resident libraries, non-overlayed, and/or I-and-D space, with test results. Error Log Reports: how to get RPT to run considerably faster by building it non-overlayed and I-and-D space. Also a version which is overlayed but faster than the DEC supplied version for people whose systems don't have I-and-D space. SPM-11: two programs to make it easier to read the data from SPM. One reads all collected records and translates them into english (has been on a previous SIG tape), the other translates overlay read requests. Includes a module which makes it easy to use Abort ASTs in Fortran. DCL as a Catch-all for MCR: a copy of the Multi-tasker article on how to get this to work. It is a really nifty combination, giving you the best of MCR and DCL at the same time. Plus a couple of simple programs: one lets you input an FCS error number and translates it into english using the message file that comes with RSX. The other reads .STB files and lists the symbols defined there. See [350,50]README.2ND for further descriptions of what each file in this account is for. B. Z. Lederman 2572 E. 22nd St. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11235 ++++++++++++++++++++ [351,070]AAAREADME.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ Project Software & Development, Inc. 14 Story St. Cambridge, Ma. 02138 617-661-1444 Program: VTL Author: Robin Miller Date: Fall 1984 Description: This program is used to list file(s) on a VT100 family terminal. The file(s) are displayed one screen at a time for easy viewing. Various commands can be entered to change listing parameters or to position to a particular portion of the file. Many of the commands are the same as the Digital editor EDT. Commands can be entered either by using keys on the VT100 keypad, or by entering commands to the prompt at the bottom of the screen. Some of the major features of the program are outlined below: o CTRL/C detection for aborting searches, etc. o Delete the file being displayed. o Display a ruler along the top of the file. o Display the next file or next the directory. o Display record numbers along the left margin. o Display the file header of file being displayed. o Print the file being displayed. o Search (forward only) for a specified string. o Shift the display window left or right. o Split screen mode to display two files. o Teco compatible see-all mode. o Write portions of the file being displayed. The maximum record size that can be displayed is 512 characters. All commands have a repetition count of one. Relative and indexed files are not supported. The special wildcard characters "* and %" can be used with VTL on RSX-11M using FCS for I/O instead of RMS. Previously these were only valid on VMS since a native image was being called to lookup files. [ File "VTL.MEM" contains full documentation for this program. ] ++++++++++++++++++++ [351,072]AAAREADME.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ Free software BY Northern Telecom Inc. This software is furnished for free and may be used and copied as desired. This software or any other copies thereof may be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred or allowed. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by NORTHERN TELECOM INC. NORTHERN TELECOM assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of this software on any equipment whatsoever. Northern Telecom Inc. Network Support Systems Division P.O. Box 649, Airport Road Concord, New Hampshire 03301 (603) 224-6511 X2024 Program: DIRectory Author: Robin Miller Date: Spring 1985 Description: The DIRECTORY command lists the files contained in a directory. When you use certain qualifiers with the command, additional information is displayed, along with the names of the files. The output of the DIRECTORY command depends on certain formatting qualifiers and their defaults. These qualifiers are: /COLUMNS, /DATE, /FULL, /OWNER, /PROTECTION, and /SIZE. In studying the qualifiers and the capabilities they offer, watch for qualifiers that override other qualifiers. For example, if you specify the /FULL format, the system cannot display all the information in more than one column. Thus, if you specify both /COLUMNS and /FULL, the number of columns you requested is ignored. Format: DIRECTORY [file-spec[,...]] Additional information available: ALL BEFORE BRIEF COLUMN CONTROL CREATED DATE DETACH EXPIRED FID FILEID FORMAT FORMFEED FULL GRANDTOTAL HEADING HELP MODIFIED OUTPUT OWNER PARAMETERS PRINTER PROTECTION REWIND REVISED QUALIFIERS SINCE SIZE SPOOL STARTUP TODAY TOTAL TRAILING VERSION ***************************************************** * Refer to the help file (DIR.HLP) for descriptions * * and examples of the above qualifiers. * ***************************************************** ++++++++++++++++++++ [352,004]README.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ [352,4]README.1ST - New Orleans - Spring 1985 - Files submitted by: SRD Working Group Bob Turkelson NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Mail Code 614 Greenbelt, MD 20771 301-344-5660 FTS 344-5660 This UIC contains the files for building SRD V6.6. The modifications made by the SRD Working Group since V6.5 are: o Modified the sort algorithm for greatly improved performance. (Thanks to Jim DeMange and Tony Gandy of Systeme Corporation, Orlando, FL.) The improvement will be noticed most when listing large directories. Using RSX-11M-PLUS accounting, we found that to generate a brief sorted listing of a directory containing about 1300 files, the CPU time went from 1992 units with V6.5 to 804 with V6.6. (The time for PIP /BR unsorted listing was 1646. SRD issued 91 QIO's while PIP issued 1707.) o Turned off /HD (command line display) when a listing file is not specified. There is no need to display the command line when listing files on TI:. o Corrected a problem where an output filename spec with embedded blanks resulted in a "Directory not found" error message. This problem was introduced with the V6.4 modification to display the original command line, and was fixed by moving the new code to a different location. o Rewrote most of SRDTST, making the logic easier to follow, while fixing a bug which ignored /WI when a '*' was given in the match template (e.g. AB*D failed to match ABCDE). The original code worked at the time it was written, when wildcards were not allowed in file specifications on command lines, but broke when RSX-11M V4.0 and RSX-11M-PLUS V2.0 permitted embedded wildcards. However this bug was noticed only recently. o Modified the help and command files. For P/OS and Micro/RSX systems, SRD is now built non-overlayed by default. The *.C66 files are correction files which have already been applied to the V6.5 source files. They are provided here for reference purposes only. The *.MAC files are those for V6.6. SRD.TSK is a task built with the default switches shown in SRDDEF.HLP;1. It was built for RSX-11M V4.0/V4.1 with dynamic checkpoint allocation. SRDMOD.DOC describes the past changes to this version of SRD. SRDREF. is the text for a two-page SRD Reference Guide showing the available switches. Please send us any ideas you have for improving its organization and content. We will be updating it for each new version. HELP SRD GUIDE will display an on-line version of SRDREF. EXAMPLE.GEN shows an example of generating this version of SRD. Procedure: @SRD ! Asks configuration questions and ! builds SRD Copy SRD.HLP and SRDDEF.HLP to [1,2] and refer to SRD.HLP in [1,2]MCR.HLP. HELP SRD NOTES will display various things you should know. HELP SRD NEW will show users a list of recent new switches. The changes to the selection/listing overlay segment and the root segment result in a decrease of 140. words (when built without FCSRES). The largest directory section which can be handled at one time remains at approximately 110 blocks. Each block contains up to 32 file entries. The SRD Working Group plans to make additional modifications for future SIG tapes. Command and help file improvements are planned as well as program changes. A number of changes on our wish-list are currently being implemented for the next version. We would appreciate hearing from those who have made changes or plan to make changes to this version or other versions, so we can continue to improve this useful utility. Many thanks to those who have written. [352,4]README.1ST - END ++++++++++++++++++++ [356,010]README.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ Akron, Ohio May 1985 Notes on a submission to the RSX SIG tape for Spring 1985 DECUS Symposium at New Orleans, Louisiana. ********************************************************************* IMPORTANT: The files in this save set are designed to properly modify RSX11M V4.1 Update D patched distribution kits. ********************************************************************* The files in this SIG tape submission allow a system manager to make a number of useful modifications to an RSX11M system at the time it is built. The set of changes made by the files HEXMOD.CMD and HEXMOD.COR install a hexadecimal numeric processing facility into RSX11M that parallels the current capability to process octal numbers in command lines. The HEXMOD.DOC file describes the changes in more detail, and provides instructions on how and when to apply the changes. The changes made by the files EXEDRVMOD.CMD, EXEDRVMOD.COR, SYSGENMOD.CMD and SYSGENMOD.COR apply a set of changes to RSX11M sources and SYSGEN command files to make all DEC supplied device drivers into loadable drivers with LOADABLE DATA BASES! (Something RSX11M+ has standard!) The SYSGENMOD.DOC file describes the changes in more detail, and provides instructions on how and when to apply the changes. The DECUSMODS.CMD file is the main driver file for applying both sets of changes described above. In addition, the XEDRVMOD.CMD and XEDRVMOD.COR files apply a critical patch to the DEUNA device driver released with RSX11M V4.1 Update D. The file DEUNASPR.DOC completely describes the problem, its solution and the documentation change that must also be made to make DEUNA Ethernet controller diagnostic functions perform properly when no data transfer is to be performed with the diagnostic function. The file is the body of an SPR submitted to DEC in late April 1985 describing and correcting the problem. To use the modification file set on each type of distribution kit, follow the directions below that pertain to your system. For Big Disc Distribution kit: To use the modification kit on the Big Disc Distribution, restore the modification file set to the RSXM35 volume on the system drive after applying RSX11M V4.1 Update D. Then invoke the DECUSMODS.CMD command procedure. When the procedure is finished, the modification file set can be deleted. For RK06/RK07 Distribution kit: To use the modification kit on the RK06/RK07 Distribution, after applying RSX11M V4.1 Update D restore the modification file set to the RSXM35 volume on the system drive. Then invoke the DECUSMODS.CMD command procedure. When the procedure is finished, the modification file set can be deleted. For RL02 Distribution kit: To use the modification kit on the RL02 Distribution, after applying RSX11M V4.1 Update D restore the modification file set to the RSXM35 volume on the system drive. Then load the second volume of the distribution kit, EXCSRC, on DL1:, mount the volume with MOU DL1:EXCSRC and invoke the DECUSMODS.CMD command procedure. When the procedure is finished, the modification file set can be deleted. Good luck, Carl T. Mickelson Goodyear Aerospace Corporation 1210 Massillon Road D470/G3 Akron, Ohio 44315 (216) 796-2388 ++++++++++++++++++++ [356,011]README.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ Akron, Ohio May 1985 Notes on a submission to the RSX SIG tape for Spring 1985 DECUS Symposium at New Orleans, Louisiana. ********************************************************************* IMPORTANT: The files in this save set are designed to properly modify RSX11M V4.1 Update E patched distribution kits. ********************************************************************* The files in this SIG tape submission allow a system manager to make a number of useful modifications to an RSX11M system at the time it is built. The set of changes made by the files HEXMOD.CMD and HEXMOD.COR install a hexadecimal numeric processing facility into RSX11M that parallels the current capability to process octal numbers in command lines. The HEXMOD.DOC file describes the changes in more detail, and provides instructions on how and when to apply the changes. The changes made by the files EXEDRVMOD.CMD, EXEDRVMOD.COR, SYSGENMOD.CMD and SYSGENMOD.COR apply a set of changes to RSX11M sources and SYSGEN command files to make all DEC supplied device drivers into loadable drivers with LOADABLE DATA BASES! (Something RSX11M+ has standard!) The SYSGENMOD.DOC file describes the changes in more detail, and provides instructions on how and when to apply the changes. The DECUSMODS.CMD file is the main driver file for applying both sets of changes described above. In addition, the XEDRVMOD.CMD and XEDRVMOD.COR files apply a critical patch to the DEUNA device driver released with RSX11M V4.1 Update D. The error was NOT repaired with Update E, and is still required. The file DEUNASPR.DOC completely describes the problem, its solution and the documentation change that must also be made to make DEUNA Ethernet controller diagnostic functions perform properly when no data transfer is to be performed with the diagnostic function. The file is the body of an SPR submitted to DEC in late April 1985 describing and correcting the problem. To use the modification file set on each type of distribution kit, follow the directions below that pertain to your system. For Big Disc Distribution kit: To use the modification kit on the Big Disc Distribution, restore the modification file set to the RSXM35 volume on the system drive after applying RSX11M V4.1 Update E. Then invoke the DECUSMODS.CMD command procedure. When the procedure is finished, the modification file set can be deleted. For RK06/RK07 Distribution kit: To use the modification kit on the RK06/RK07 Distribution, after applying RSX11M V4.1 Update E restore the modification file set to the RSXM35 volume on the system drive. Then invoke the DECUSMODS.CMD command procedure. When the procedure is finished, the modification file set can be deleted. For RL02 Distribution kit: To use the modification kit on the RL02 Distribution, after applying RSX11M V4.1 Update E restore the modification file set to the RSXM35 volume on the system drive. Then load the second volume of the distribution kit, EXCSRC, on DL1:, mount the volume with MOU DL1:EXCSRC. Finally, load the new Update E RL01/RL02 volume, PRVBLD, on DL2:, mount the volume with MOU DL2:PRVBLD, and invoke the DECUSMODS.CMD command procedure. When the procedure is finished, the modification file set can be deleted. Good luck, Carl T. Mickelson Goodyear Aerospace Corporation 1210 Massillon Road D470/G3 Akron, Ohio 44315 (216) 796-2388 ++++++++++++++++++++ [356,012]README.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ Akron, Ohio May 1985 Notes on a submission to the RSX SIG tape for Spring 1985 DECUS Symposium at New Orleans, Louisiana. ********************************************************************* IMPORTANT: The files in this save set can be used with any version of RSX11M from V3.2 thru V4.1. ********************************************************************* The files supplied here represent a FORTRAN callable RSX11M command line interface package, together with some examples of how to use the facilities provided by the programs. The files CSINTF.MAC and CSINTR.MAC are two versions of the basic command line interface. The principle difference between the two versions is that CSINTF uses an internal command line buffer, that cannot be accessed by the user program other than to process commands. The CSINTR version uses an external command line buffer, and allows the user program to process the command in conjunction with the RSX11M CSI facility. The files CSINTFDEF.MAC and .MLB are macro definitions and a macro library that are used by the interface routines. The rest of the files contained here are samples of how to set up switch tables and the other data bases needed between the user program and the command line interface. Full documentation on the use of these interface routines will be published in a forth-coming Multi-Tasker article, as soon as the article is completed. Full examples will be provided in that article to illustrate how a user program can use this interface package to create applications that look just like DEC provided utilities. Good luck, Carl T. Mickelson Goodyear Aerospace Corporation 1210 Massillon Road D470/G3 Akron, Ohio 44315 (216) 796-2388 ++++++++++++++++++++ [370,112]README.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ REUTERS, LTD RSX CONTRIBUTION SPRING '85 The following five files are contained on this tape: LABEL.MAC This task accepts command lines in either of two forms: LAB dd: or LAB ddn: A file called LABEL.CMD;1 is created in your current UIC; if you then include the command "@LABEL" in an indirect command file, the global string symbol "$LABEL" will be defined as the volume label of the specified disk. NOTE that the command "LAB ddnn:" won't work. This should be an easy fix. MAKLABEL.CMD This command file creates two files, LABELASM.CMD and LABELBLD.CMD, and then invokes them to build the LABEL task. Note that LABEL installs as ...LAB. WHERE.CMD Some of our systems consist of two 11/70s, linked by DECnet as live and backup. The two systems are nearly identical, and I often forget which system I'm on or which system I've remoted to. Put this in [3,54] on your RSX-11M+ system, and anyone who types @WHERE will know where they are. If accounting is turned off, or if you've logged in before accounting is turned on, much of the usual information isn't available. MAIN.CMD INDEX.CMD I'm not claiming wonderful things for these, but they're the best I could do in the middle of the night when I discovered how poorly the modules in [1,2]INDSYS.CLB worked on my system (RSX-11M+ V2.1E). Seems the parameter gets clobbered somehow when .INDEX is chained to from .MAIN. if your UIC isn't the same as the one the library file is in. This causes .INDEX to fail miserably. Use the following two command lines to fix your copy of INDSYS.CLB: LBR [1,2]INDSYS.CLB=[uic]MAIN.CMD/RP:.MAIN. LBR [1,2]INDSYS.CLB=[uic]INDEX.CMD/RP:.INDEX *****> SOME TIMELY WARNINGS/INFORMATION/ETC <***** Our systems are PDP-11/70s, running RSX-11M+ V2.1E. All of our users are privileged, so if you're non-privileged you may have some surprises. I don't expect this to be the case, but I simply don't know. Additionally, there is no way for me to know if any of this will work on anything but the above system configuration. These files are supplied to DECUS for use, free of charge, by anyone who wants them. There are no guarantees of anything concerning this stuff. If you have any problems, feel free to contact me at the address which follows. I can't promise to fix it, but I can certainly try! Gus Altobello Reuters, Ltd 90 Davids Dr Hauppauge, NY 11788 ++++++++++++++++++++ [370,230]README.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ TEM - Terminal EMulator for RSX -- Version: 85.008 PAGE 1 Author: T. R. Wyant III, E. I. DuPont de Nemours, Richmond, VA. Operating System: RSX11M+ V2.0 forward, RSX-11M V4.0 forward. Language: MACRO-11 Memory Required: 14KW Other Hardware Required: Dial-out Modem Keywords: RSX-11; Communications; Terminal Emulator Abstract: TEM provides "dumb" terminal emulation over a full duplex TT: line. It allows the user to "become" a terminal on a remote system, and to do ASCII file transfer between systems. TEM has been used to communicate with RSX, VMS, RSTS, and TOPS-20 systems, as well as non-DEC equipment. It requires no software on the remote system (and therefore has no error checking). In addition to the basic functionality, TEM can automati- cally issue canned commands to smart modems at the beginning and end of a session. The user can also select from the fol- lowing features: * Local Echo * Automatic linefeed on carriage return * Translation of inbound control characters to ASCII abbre- viations * Passthru of control/s, control/q, control/o and control/x to the remote system * User selectable attention and end-of-file characters. * Redefinition of any desired input character to any other. * Specifiable delay and prompt character for file transfer. * Parity generation and checking. TEM requires at least RSX-11M+ V2.0 or RSX-11M V4.0 with the full-duplex TT: driver, get/set multiple characteristics, and unsolicited input AST's. An attempt has been made to con- ditionalize it for RSX-11M V3.2, but I have no way to check it. TEM can be initiated from a terminal on the TT:, HT:, or VT: driver, though there are restrictions on its use from a virtual terminal. It can communicate with any device on the TT:, HT:, or NL: driver. ++++++++++++++++++++ [370,231]README.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ This directory contains several tasks and command files that I have found useful. These come with the standard DECUS grarantee (ie - if it doesn't work or crashes your system, tough). The phrase "Will run under" means I have tried it under these operating systems, and had no problems. The phrase "Should run under" means I have not tried it, but know of no reason why it needs to be modified to work under these operating systems. A couple of bugs in the Spring '84 version have been fixed in this release - see below for details. T. R. Wyant Central Virginia LUG E. I. DuPont de Nemours & co TFD - P.O. Box 27001 Richmond, Virginia 23261 TIZ - Task Image Zapper Source Language - Fortran-77 Will run under - RSX-11M V3.2, RSX-11M+ V1.0, 2.0, and 2.1 Should run under - RSX-11M, at least back to V3.0 and forward to V4.1 Function - Provide formatted dump of task image label blocks, showing name, partition, priority, creation date, LUN assign- ments, and so on. Most of the items dumped can be modified. This grew out of a task written to deal with the M+ V2.0 task builder's incorrect common area access assignment (since patched). Modified - 16-Mar-84 to correctly determine where number of LUNs is stored, and to add support for TKB IDENT keyword. - Summer 84 so /IP sets the right bit and doesn't crash your system, and to allow you to change the name of the resident library (or common) your task is mapped to. CALC - Calculator and radix converter. Source Language - "@" processor. Will run under - RSX-11M+ V2.0 Should run under - RSX-11M V4.0 Function - Do integer calculations in octal or decimal, and radix conversion to or from ASCII (word), RAD-50, or any radix from 2 thru 16. User can create numeric symbols on the fly to store results for later use. Note that the calculations string is interpreted in "@" fashion (left to right), rather than in algebraic fashion (* and / before + and -). Also, trapping errors in the calculation string requires servicing CALC - Calculator and radix converter (continued). Function (cont'd) Type 2 errors with an ONERR directive, ignoring the manual's contention that you can't continue after a Type 2 error. Wierd things may happen in this case, though it has worked okay, so far. Modified: - To add the ability to compute an "n" bit checksum on the input. BRU - BRU command line builder. Source Language - "@" processor. Will run under - RSX-11M V3.2, RSX-11M+ V1.0, 2.0 and 2.1 Should run under - RSX-11M V4.0 and V4.1 Function - Construct the required mount commands and BRU command line to do most of our BRU runs. Can be invoked interactively (@BRU), or with parameter passing (@BRU IN: OU: or @BRU OU:=IN:). Validates input and output devices, mounts all unmounted media foreign (under M+ only), and selects BRU switches depending on whether the input and output media are disk or tape, and whether mounted FILES-11 or foreign. All media mounted by this command file will be dismounted when it exits. Under and RSX-11M+ V1.0 only, media should be either mounted FILES-11 or unmounted; unmounted devices should not be set public. Under the other 3 operating systems, this doesn't matter. This command file will apply the /DEN switch for MF:, MM:, MS:, and MT: out- put, using the highest density avail- able. No density is assumed for input. This should be readily modifiable to meet individual site needs. This command file will also (under M+ V2.0 and M V4.0) compute initial and maximum index file sizes for disk-to- disk transfers between different-sized disks. In all tested cases, these ap- proximate the INI defaults. Modified - 16-Mar-84 to correct initialization for multi-header index files. - Add the following switches: /PR to control preservation of file IDs. /IM to (partly) support image disks. /EX to support file exclusion. Add elapsed time calculations Add ability to CON the output device ONLINE if needed (M+). ++++++++++++++++++++ [370,360]README.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ This UIC contains the I/D space version of APL-11. It must be ran on a RSX-11M-PLUS V2.1 System supporting Supervisor Mode Libraries and I/D Space Tasks. Included along with the task image are the Macro Modules modified, the Build Command File, and Overlay Descriptor File. The complete source kit for APL-11 can be ordered from the DECUS Library (Order No. 11-SP-25). See the file APLID.DOC for further information. Installation instructions to maximize workspace size are as follows: MCR> INS APL/INC=64240 This gave us a workspace size of 53,548 bytes. ++++++++++++++++++++ [370,361]README.1ST +++++++++++++++++++++ COMPOSE ABSTRACT The COMPOSE program permits you to design and automatically generate custom character sets for the VT200 family of terminals. The output of COMPOSE consists of two files; a FORTRAN direct access file that contains the character definitions in binary form and a text file that can be "TYPED" at an appropriately configured VT200 terminal to actually create the custom character set. An example set of files used to generate the APL character set is included.