DIBOL Invokes the DIBOL language compiler SYNTAX DIBOL[/options] filespecs SEMANTICS Separate multiple source files by plus (+) signs in the command line to compile them into a single OBJ file. Multiple files separated by commas (,) are compiled independently. Default file types are .DBL for input, .LST for listing output, and .OBJ for binary output. OPTIONS ALLOCATE:size Reserves space for an output file ALPHABETIZE Alphabetizes the symbol table BUFFERING Causes compiler to use single buffered I/O CROSSREFERENCE Generates a cross-reference table in the listing file LINENUMBERS (default) Includes internal sequence numbers in the compiled program LIST[:filespec] Produces a listing file LOG[:filespec] Creates a log file of compiler error messages NOLINENUMBERS Suppresses internal sequence numbers in compiled programs NOOBJECT Suppresses output of the binary object file NOWARNINGS Suppresses warning messages during compilation OBJECT[:filespec] Specifies a file name for the object file ONDEBUG Includes a symbol table in the binary output for debugging purposes PAGE:n Sets listing page length (default = 66) TABLES Includes symbol and label tables in listing WARNINGS (default) Includes warning messages in the listing file EXAMPLES DIBOL/LIST A DIBOL A+B/LIST/OBJECT DIBOL B/LIST,C/NOOBJECT/LIST
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