HELP Lists helpful information SYNTAX HELP[/options][ topic[ subtopic[:items...]...]] or HELP * SEMANTICS HELP * lists the items for which help is available. HELP lists the HELP text (of which this is a part). HELP topic lists information on the specific topic only. HELP topic subtopic lists information on the specific subtopic only (for example, HELP HELP SEMANTICS lists the paragraph of which this text is a part). HELP topic subtopic:item lists only the text associated with the specific item. HELP topic/item lists the text associated with the specific item under the subtopic OPTIONS. Valid topics are the keyboard monitor commands. Subtopics are "SYNTAX", "SEMANTICS", "OPTIONS", and "EXAMPLES". Items are specific command options. OPTIONS PRINTER Prints the HELP text on the line printer TERMINAL (default) Types the HELP text on the terminal EXAMPLES HELP COPY !Lists information about COPY command HELP/PRINTER EXECUTE !Prints information about EXECUTE !command HELP PRINT OPTION:COPIES!Describes the COPIES option for PRINT HELP COPY/BOOT/DEVICE !Describes the listed options for COPY
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