RENAME Changes the name of a file SYNTAX RENAME[/options] input-filespec output-filespec SEMANTICS The RENAME command accepts up to six input file specifications; separate multiple file specifications with commas (,). The command accepts only one output file specification. Wild cards are accepted in place of file names or file types. The device you specify (if any) must be the same for input and output files. OPTIONS BEFORE[:dd:mmm:yyyy] Renames only those files created before the specified date. If the date is omitted, the current system date is used DATE[:dd:mmm:yyyy] Renames only those files created on the specified date. If the date is omitted, the current system date is used INFORMATION Treats "file-not-found" errors as information, not fatal LOG Lists the renamed files on the terminal NEWFILES Renames only those files dated with the current system date NOLOG Suppresses the terminal log of renamed files NOPROTECTION Removes the protected status of files NOREPLACE Does not perform the rename operation if a file with the new name already exists PROTECTION Sets files to be protected against deletion QUERY Requires confirmation before each rename operation begins REPLACE (default) Deletes any previous files with the new name after the operation completes SETDATE[:dd:mmm:yyyy] Sets the creation date on the renamed file to the date specified. If the date is omitted, the system date is used SINCE[:dd:mmm:yyyy] Renames files created on or after the specified date. If the date is omitted, the system date is used SYSTEM Renames .SYS files WAIT Waits for user response before proceeding with the rename EXAMPLES RENAME A.FOR B.FOR RENAME A%%.MAC *.FOR RENAME/SYSTEM DX0:MM.SYS DX0:MX.SYS
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