SHOW Displays system hardware and software status SYNTAX SHOW [options] SEMANTICS SHOW<CR> displays the device assignments; other information is displayed by specifying one or more option names. OPTIONS ALL Shows configuration, devices, jobs, and terminals COMMANDS[/options] Displays a list of defined User Command Linkage (UCL) commands /OUTPUT:filespec Produces the defined command list in the specified file /PRINTER Produces the defined command list on the line printer CONFIGURATION Indicates the monitor version number, SET options, hardware configuration, and SYSGEN options DEVICES Indicates the status and vectors of all device handlers on the system ERRORS[/options] Produces on the terminal a report of all system and device errors; valid only if error logging is present. Options are: /ALL (default) Produces the report for all errors /FILE[:filnam.typ] Specifies the name of the file containing the logged errors; defaults to ERRLOG.DAT /FROM:[dd:mmm:yyyy] Reports only errors that occurred after the date specified /OUTPUT:filespec Produces the report in the specified file /PRINTER Produces the report on the line printer /SUMMARY Produces a summary report /TERMINAL (default) Produces the report on the terminal /TO:[dd:mmm:yyyy] Reports only errors that occurred before the date specified JOBS Lists the names and status of all loaded jobs MEMORY Displays the current memory organization in tabular form QUEUE Lists the contents of the line printer queue SUBSET List the current logical disk subsetting assignments in effect TERMINALS Indicates the status and SET options of all the terminals on the system (if a multi-terminal monitor) UMR Displays information about the UNIBUS mapping registers if the UB pseudohandler is loaded, or information about why UB is not loaded EXAMPLES SHOW SHOW CONFIGURATION SHOW QUEUE
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